Whats Up With Many Seed Banks Selling The Same Strain?


Well-Known Member
ok! i do not know if that made to much sense, but basically i have noticed that many different seed banks sell White Widow (using the WW as an example). but i know Serious Seeds is the one bank that is credited for creating it. wouldn't one want to get the strain from the bank that created it? wouldn't that make the most sense?? ho come many banks sell the Widow, is it just the Widow? i see many banks that sell Blueberry also. and Dj Short is the one who created it. so wouldn't i want to get it from him? im kinda confused on where to get seeds from with all the seeds banks selling the same genetics. is it different phenotypes? what is it different parents to make said strain? please provide me with as much info as possible. i would like to start collecting seeds from actual seed banks, and not just the lucky ones i find in the bag. thanks in advance!!!:weed:
Mr. Nice created White Widow aka (Black widow). Its the name that sells. Some try to recreate such strains like white widow and call it white widow. There knock offs.
Mr Nice (Shantibaba) created it and took it with him as black widow when his business partner tried to take the piss ;) Greenhouse sells an awful lot of "fake" genetics

As said, the name sells so less than reputable breeders create something as similar as they can and give it the same name to try and get a sale. Always pays to researh the history and lineage of what you're buying, you'll often find that it's actually just rubbish.
Greenhouse seeds i've found to be the most trustworthy, anonymous and n0on douche bag seed sales ever.. and w/e else i have needed...
Thee is a very good write up on the subject by Jesse on Mr Nice forums but i have hesitated from posting a link as well, being on that forum it could be seen as a biased story.

Greenhouse seeds i've found to be the most trustworthy, anonymous and n0on douche bag seed sales ever.. and w/e else i have needed...

GHS are pretty much proven fraudsters ;)
wrong again, Mr Nice created the original white widow and changed the name to black widow when he split from GHS :leaf:

yah, actually, you're wrong, mr nice isn't a breeder, but shanti is, and he's the breeder who used to be half of greenhouse seeds back in the 90's when ghsc made all of the cup winning strains.. it was all of shanti's hard work and genius that made greenhouse who they were back then, but in the mid 90's he left arjan and greenhouse seeds and went on with howard marks, who is actually mr nice, the famed smuggler, to form mr nice, also with neville shoenmaker, another infamous breeder..
but anyhoo''s, on to the op's question.. like someone else already said, one company or person will create a killer strain, like your sample of ww.. it sells well all over the world, but sense the cannabis world is generally unregulated per se, many other companies and breeders will come along and try to use the name ww to sell what ever genetics that they maybe using under the same name..
of course it's impossible for every breeder to have the same exact parents so i don't see how they could possibly have the same strains.. it's all bs, and it really does pay to do your homework when looking to buy certain strains..
it's not to say that sometimes a knock off strain can't be better than the original, but that rarely happens, just make sure to do your work...
Greenhouse seeds i've found to be the most trustworthy, anonymous and n0on douche bag seed sales ever.. and w/e else i have needed...

Thee is a very good write up on the subject by Jesse on Mr Nice forums but i have hesitated from posting a link as well, being on that forum it could be seen as a biased story.

GHS are pretty much proven fraudsters ;)

Yeah when they lost their good breeders basically all their doing now is selling diluted genetics because the guy running it now is not a good breeder. That's a marketing company, not a seed company.
ok! then why does it say in the Ed Rosenthals Big Book of Buds, he credits Greenhouse. i am too assume then that this Mr Nice guy has a partner with Greenhouse? all arguments and facts aside, who has the best White Widow on Attitude? i am not saying what i say is 100% true, just what i have read. i know its lineage is a Brazilian and a Indian cross. that is all i really know and that it was created in 1995. i first smoked it in 97, maybe 98...them days are hella cloudy, lol! if you could pm me the link, so i can take a look at the thread, please. would be appreciated.

so who has the best White Widow today? who has the best on Attitude that i an purchase? White Widow has been a long time fav. and i hardly ever see it. and when it does come around, its not up to par, or it is some crap knock off. i picked up some 98 Aloha WW x Pre 98 Bubba Kush. but its just a cross. im searching hard for the original Widow. can you please point me in the right direction??
Yeah when they lost their good breeders basically all their doing now is selling diluted genetics because the guy running it now is not a good breeder. That's a marketing company, not a seed company.

arjan's not a breeder at all, lol, he's a used car salesman at best..
id post a like for this thread but the button is fucken broken. i click it and it just puts down a drop box then doesnt add my likes fucken POS
yah, actually, you're wrong, mr nice isn't a breeder, but shanti is, and he's the breeder who used to be half of greenhouse seeds back in the 90's when ghsc made all of the cup winning strains.. it was all of shanti's hard work and genius that made greenhouse who they were back then, but in the mid 90's he left arjan and greenhouse seeds and went on with howard marks, who is actually mr nice, the famed smuggler, to form mr nice, also with neville shoenmaker, another infamous breeder..
but anyhoo''s, on to the op's question.. like someone else already said, one company or person will create a killer strain, like your sample of ww.. it sells well all over the world, but sense the cannabis world is generally unregulated per se, many other companies and breeders will come along and try to use the name ww to sell what ever genetics that they maybe using under the same name..
of course it's impossible for every breeder to have the same exact parents so i don't see how they could possibly have the same strains.. it's all bs, and it really does pay to do your homework when looking to buy certain strains..
it's not to say that sometimes a knock off strain can't be better than the original, but that rarely happens, just make sure to do your work...

ok my new friend! can you please point me in the right direction of where to find the best, or original Widow today? i will start doing MORE homework on strains before buying. im just a hardheaded old fuck and i do not believe everything i read or hear. i must have a census, lol!
ALOT of the time its a varied name for a Specific cross.

Aurora : (Land race sative x indica) x indica.
Big Bud : Mexican Sativa x Afghani Indica (fast harvests of lots of bud...)
Skunk : Thai x Afghani

but then there is the other side of the coin, Specific crosses.
AK47x White Widdow = White Rhino
NL x Afghani = Aurora Indica

certain strains are DIRECTLY linked to Breeders
White Widow = Shantibaba
Chernobyl = Subcool
Kish = Cash Crop Ken
King = Reeferman.

strains and strain names are a big soup of randomness. some names are stolen, but there are some names that dont realy belong to ANYONE......
ok! then why does it say in the Ed Rosenthals Big Book of Buds, he credits Greenhouse. i am too assume then that this Mr Nice guy has a partner with Greenhouse? all arguments and facts aside, who has the best White Widow on Attitude? i am not saying what i say is 100% true, just what i have read. i know its lineage is a Brazilian and a Indian cross. that is all i really know and that it was created in 1995. i first smoked it in 97, maybe 98...them days are hella cloudy, lol! if you could pm me the link, so i can take a look at the thread, please. would be appreciated.

so who has the best White Widow today? who has the best on Attitude that i an purchase? White Widow has been a long time fav. and i hardly ever see it. and when it does come around, its not up to par, or it is some crap knock off. i picked up some 98 Aloha WW x Pre 98 Bubba Kush. but its just a cross. im searching hard for the original Widow. can you please point me in the right direction??

He credits greenhouse because shanti owned greenhouse when he created and brought it critical acclaim, but then aarjan did as he does and shanti fucked off and took all his genetics with him. The greenhouse of then was a different thing to greenhouse of now. Think of it as a restaurant under new management, same name but new staff new chef, it's not gonna be the same, and as it turns out, it's pretty bad with a rather bad reputation among most growers.

White widow was released in 94 from what i read.

White Widow was originally bred by Shantibaba, the original founder, owner and head breeder of The Green House Seed Company (GHSC). The variety known as White Widow immediately catapulted itself into rock star status upon introduction to the public in 1994. Within a year of its initial release, White Widow took first place at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 1995 and a wave of copy cat White Widow varieties hit the market soon after. In 1996, both Nirvana and Dutch Passion seed companies purchased a single pack of White Widow seeds respectively from Shantibaba himself at the GHSC and within a year released their own versions of Widow. It wasn’t long before one would be hard pressed to find varieties of cannabis seed available from Holland that weren’t hybrids of the original White Widow released in 1994, literally breathing life into the Dutch cannabis breeding scene that had lagged in the time prior to White Widows release. For many years in Holland varieties such as Northern Lights, Skunk, Afghani and Haze were staples of the Dutch breeding community and with the introduction of White Widow came a renewed vigor in breeding top of the line, commercial and medicinal quality strains of cannabis. With success my friends, breeds greed and contempt for ones fellow man. A wave of White Widow varieties were available to the public by the late 1990’s, all of which were either hybrids a selected White Widow variety from a commercially available pack of F1 White Widow seeds from the GHSC, backcrosses from the original Widow or in some cases out right fraudulent lines to begin with. Having no true relation to the original Widow through hybridization or backcrossing. Imposters! To add to the growing complicated Widow landscape of the time, unscrupulous characters such as Ingemar, a former employee of the GHSC and self described breeder emerged claiming to be the true breeder of White Widow, offering their own version of the now legendary strain of cannabis. As if the whirlwind of disinformation wasn’t enough, along with Ingemar, yet another man who calls himself “Ecotronics” has laid claim to being the true breeder of White Widow and has been insistent everybody else is making money off of his line. While nothing is ever as black and white as it would seem from the outside looking in, it’s this kind of success and ultimately, confusion, that leads to the eventual name change of the original White Widow to the now proverbial Black Widow.
oh, im going to place my order NOW!!! someone once told me back like a week ago about a free seed code. something liek 420free, or free420....any info on that before i order. looks liek they have kicked me 3 free in my order, but im looking for a few more if possible. fucking Widow is $113 and change. :shock:
Think the discount code is 420. If they have it in stock, go for black widow i say. But don't think that just because a white widow is not THE white widow it'll be bunk weed.