whats up. help.pics.


Well-Known Member
what looks wrong with these 2 plants. i had 6 one has died.
this is my fifth grow and the only thing different, im doing is growing in 2l coke bottles and also i think i used too much per and vac.
1/3 perlite
1/3 vacumate1/3 soil. i also added a few small pebbles and also 2" of pebbles in the bottom. i started under flos, and last week i put under 250hps, as i always do, with no probs.
would one, think it would be the bottles or too much vac/per?.
the temps are always 65 to 75. i dont know whats wrong.
any help anyone.
ps there only wet because it was raining when i brought them inside.
i normally waret every 2 days and feed once a week past 2/3 weeks.
but these plants, ive been having to water every day.and started to feed once a week. due to the pots/bottles drying out every 24 to 24 hours. i think cos too much perlite and the bottles been tinner, than a normal pot. there longer and thinner.
anyone know whats up.

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New Member
Hi Crazy.
You do realize that you totally are freaking me out right now. I was sure you had this posted in my thread a while ago and I answered you.

My seedlings are only about 2 weeks old but I don't water them often at all. I have always used Miracle grow soil for all my indoor grows and have been successful with each and everyone of them.

Here is what I would do crazy.

Take them out of the light right now.
Tomorrow transplant them to other pots with proper drainage and use miracle grow.
Keep them out of the light all day long and when they start to look better within a day or two put them back in full light.
When transplanting they should never be done directly in the light and should never be put directly into the light again for at least 24 hours.

It might be easiest to transplant them under water. messy but easier on the roots 'cause they look like they are dying.

I only water my plants when they need watering. they tell ya.


Well-Known Member
thanks lacy. i did post in your thread, but it ended up a bit big, and i didnt want to invade, ive used m.grow and babt bio, for vegg also and they did fine, these were an exp. i thunk ill stick to what i know, till im a better grower, ive never ever had a prob. vegging ever, so it must be the pots and too much perlite, and thats why i have to water every 20/24 hours.
yes ill stick to what i know/pots. i can still do a sog, well i have the plants?.
ill show my progress tomorrow, ive put under flos tonight, just incase any die again, like last nite.
ive got 3 of my .plant 5 plants every 3 weeks, then get 5 plants ready, every 3 weeks.
hope i can get up and running, without any more f.ups.


Well-Known Member
I aggree with the perlite...you almost have a hydro grow going on...need a little more soil to hold in the moisture....or start lowering your ph, and go all out hydro!!


Well-Known Member
I aggree with the perlite...you almost have a hydro grow going on...need a little more soil to hold in the moisture....or start lowering your ph, and go all out hydro!!
i agree im going to pot on. today into bigger wider pots.


Well-Known Member
I aggree with the perlite...you almost have a hydro grow going on...need a little more soil to hold in the moisture....or start lowering your ph, and go all out hydro!!
i agree. im going to pot on. today into bigger wider pots. with more soil.
i will cut the bottles, so i dont damage any,roots.


Well-Known Member
Hi Crazy.
You do realize that you totally are freaking me out right now. I was sure you had this posted in my thread a while ago and I answered you.

My seedlings are only about 2 weeks old but I don't water them often at all. I have always used Miracle grow soil for all my indoor grows and have been successful with each and everyone of them.

Here is what I would do crazy.

Take them out of the light right now.
Tomorrow transplant them to other pots with proper drainage and use miracle grow.
Keep them out of the light all day long and when they start to look better within a day or two put them back in full light.
When transplanting they should never be done directly in the light and should never be put directly into the light again for at least 24 hours.

It might be easiest to transplant them under water. messy but easier on the roots 'cause they look like they are dying.

I only water my plants when they need watering. they tell ya.
lacy will it be ok to put em in the dark, even though im on 24/0


New Member
Ok so what about getting them out of those 2 litre containers and purchasing some good containers that are wider. It would be a much easier transplant. Water then plenty, take out of the light. They will do so much better.

I feel bad for you. :cry::confused:
thanks lacy. i did post in your thread, but it ended up a bit big, and i didnt want to invade, ive used m.grow and babt bio, for vegg also and they did fine, these were an exp. i thunk ill stick to what i know, till im a better grower, ive never ever had a prob. vegging ever, so it must be the pots and too much perlite, and thats why i have to water every 20/24 hours.
yes ill stick to what i know/pots. i can still do a sog, well i have the plants?.
ill show my progress tomorrow, ive put under flos tonight, just incase any die again, like last nite.
ive got 3 of my .plant 5 plants every 3 weeks, then get 5 plants ready, every 3 weeks.
hope i can get up and running, without any more f.ups.


New Member
hey crazy,
NEWBIE HERE just have a quick question about your oppinion on cloning. If you have delt with that aspect of growing if not cool have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
cloning is good, once you have a female mother plant, then youll have as many females /plants,as you want /need.ive 3 rooted today, if you dont know how to do just ask.


Well-Known Member
here are todays pics, i havent repotted as of yet, the plants looked too ill, so i just put under flos, for the nite, insted of the 250 hps. and will pot on in a day or two. im going to cut the bottles, so i dont knack, the roots. when i transplant.
anyway im well pleased that they havent gotten any, worse. they seem fine:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:. ive just counted 21 plants all together,35 if you include clones. that havent fully rooted. i better get buzy with the new grow space. i think i i want to move on from 2 closets, and get 2 1000hps for 12/12. and ten 40/42 watt at the weekend.and 5 20 watters ,what i got last weekend, would it be cheaper to get?, ten 40/42 watt,from diy shop or on line?. here are the pics.
back 017.jpg

back 015.jpg

back 023.jpg


Well-Known Member
the plants seem to be getting better in the 2l bottles. cos, the roots are getting lower, were its always wetter, its the soil/perlite in the top of the pots that was getting dry, and thats why i was having to water every day, but now the roots are better/more est, there for i now only, have to, water every two day, like im supp. to do, ill see how they are tomorrow.hope there ok.ill keep a good eye on them.


Well-Known Member
i put into the 24/0 vegg closet still in there plastic bottles. and, another,plant has nearly died, so ive took it from the bottle , to see, if thats the problem. ive used what ive alwaysed used 1/2 muck. 1/4 perlite and vacumate mixed 1/8 of each. 1/4 river sand and also ive added pea gravel to the mix. and also put pebbles in the bottom of the new pot.
ill see how it goes, and try to find out this problem, by prosses of elemination.lol one day.