whats up every body! new grower here and i need a TIP using AN products

whats up you guys. hey every body im just about to get started growing some kush clones on soil i got the hole lighting thing on check but not quiet sure about the hole feeding process i've herd lots of good things about advance nutrients so im pretty sure thats what im going with but not sure if i should go with what the back of the bottle says about feeding. i remember reading a chart in a website i forgot which one it was that said
get a nutrient for the veggie period dosing up a few ml. every week for the first 4 weeks and then flush and then get a nutrient for flowering dosing up a few ml. every week starting week 5 through week 12 then flush
it kind of made since when i read it. it kind of sounds like a good formula. so im not sure, go with what the label says in the back or go with the chart using AN products?:wall: im just trying to have a good harvest so i can smoke like a baller (cheech and chong joints:bigjoint:)and have some braging rights u know. i guess trial an erro will have to do for now but if anybody can give me a few pointers on feeding my clones the nutes it would b very appreciated. thanks u guys