What''s Up All!


Active Member
How's everyone doing. I just recently discharged from the army and some how found myself transitioning back to the civilian lifestyle. While in the army I served over seas and saw quite a bit of action which has changed me mentally and emotionally which I keep under control for the sake of those around me by the God Given Herb. I attempted to grow some bag weed on yahooka which was good and all but started to lack the support a new grower would need and smartass remarks are becoming a common sight in the threads so I decided to find another source of support for a totally new grow. I am starting a new thread in the grow journals under Bubbleicious i will have pics and anyone is welcome to watch and provide advice,talk good or bad about em just tell me what you think . See ya there.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard. Looking forward to the journal. Put it in your signature so some of us may find it through this thread.