Whats too hot?


Active Member
What is the maximum temp that a plant can chill outside? And if its too hot, what can I do to keep it from burning?:weed: And its dry where Im at.


Well-Known Member
i dont think that there is a "too hot" temperature. i think what happens is the plant will stop growing when its really hot, and focus its energy on fighting the heat.

you will need to water alot, probabaly not too bad if your in a humid climate though.... i wouldnt think.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I live in Hell, here, that's the winter time, from what Yankees says. Being a new grower, last Spring, I fucked up big time. I took the advice of planting in containers would be "cool". Ordered 100 five gal. black Nursery pots, which isn't really 5 Gals, and put several high dollar strains in full sun. Dude, they Baked. $500 bucks worth of good seeds, dead, then the stress induced Hermies. That was a year ago. Since then, I have attempted to learn...
The temp advertized via radio or PC is the temp in the shade. Meaning, 85 degrees could very much mean 120 degrees in the full Sun. Pot is a heat loving Plant, they say plant in full Sun. True, but not in black containers, unless your cooking Dinner. Keep in mind that, Yes, the plant loves the hot Sun Shine, but the rooting system does not.
Then I learn, a little too fucking late, that Green House workers waters the plants up to 3 to 4 times per day. That's because the plants are in these little 3" pots. The bigger the soil area, the less time-table watering is needed. Dry soil absorbs moisture from wet soil. Sooo,.... water 1 ft' outside the root system to do 2 things. Make the root system get off it's ass, and travel to what it needs, (bigger root system), and keeps the initial area to not get as dry as fast as normal watering. Then I learn that a good cover of compost causes 35 degree less fluxuation in temp change. Hi or Lo. Flux causes undue stress. Also, the watering with good compost cover needs 30% less water, while having a healthy plant. It goes on & on. Hope this helped. I'm game for futher questions. PM