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I have a set up im trying and would like some input? I cut the top off a 5 gallon water jug. I then put two air stones at the bottom of the jug and proceeded to fill the jug with hydroton, i plan on using a net basket to get a seedling started in vermiculite and per lite and then placing it in the hydroton, i will then fill the jug with water and nutes, any advice or criticisms are welcomed:leaf:


Rebel From The North
Well when you change out water your going to want to clean them buckets to so from what see theres no easy way to
Go about it but to pick up the pots


Well-Known Member
Would pumping the water out, and refilling it not be an option?
its better if you have access to clean the buckets (as stated before). i dont even understand how your system works, in your original post you stated you full the 5 gal jug with hydroton correct? why wouldnt you just get a 5 gal bucket put a net pot in the top with a air stone in the bottom and call it good? it doesnt cost anymore than you are already spending lol, i dont understand why you are planning on taking 2 steps back with a pretty fool proof, simple, easy to operate hydroponic system. i see more and more people on this site trying to re-invent the wheel and there is really no need in this case, one of the great things about a 5 gal bubble bucket imo is you use much less medium to hold the actual plant (hints only water and nutes in the 5 gal bucket) just follow the book on this type of system and you will get good results.


Well-Known Member
its better if you have access to clean the buckets (as stated before). i dont even understand how your system works, in your original post you stated you full the 5 gal jug with hydroton correct? why wouldnt you just get a 5 gal bucket put a net pot in the top with a air stone in the bottom and call it good? it doesnt cost anymore than you are already spending lol, i dont understand why you are planning on taking 2 steps back with a pretty fool proof, simple, easy to operate hydroponic system. i see more and more people on this site trying to re-invent the wheel and there is really no need in this case, one of the great things about a 5 gal bubble bucket imo is you use much less medium to hold the actual plant (hints only water and nutes in the 5 gal bucket) just follow the book on this type of system and you will get good results.
5 gal bucket with a lid, cut 4 inch hole in center of lid, place 4 inch net pot in hole, make small hole for airline on side of bucket, add air stone, run line to pump. DWC is for the Stoner who likes to keep it simple. As in Keep It Simple Stoner. :mrgreen: If you want to get more intricate use a cooler as a res, it will help you keep temps in check if that is a problem. Good luck and happy growing.
its better if you have access to clean the buckets (as stated before). i dont even understand how your system works, in your original post you stated you full the 5 gal jug with hydroton correct? why wouldnt you just get a 5 gal bucket put a net pot in the top with a air stone in the bottom and call it good? it doesnt cost anymore than you are already spending lol, i dont understand why you are planning on taking 2 steps back with a pretty fool proof, simple, easy to operate hydroponic system. i see more and more people on this site trying to re-invent the wheel and there is really no need in this case, one of the great things about a 5 gal bubble bucket imo is you use much less medium to hold the actual plant (hints only water and nutes in the 5 gal bucket) just follow the book on this type of system and you will get good results.
i was talking about pumping out the water when i wanted to flush or res change if the situation calls for it


New Member
just buy a net pot and use a one pound coffee container or a bucket and a net pot for a buck why start out struggling with grow and pumping water out and such


Well-Known Member
Sorry Jay I wasn't trying to knock your idea down, I was just trying to say that you may want to look at a DWC setup because it IMO is the simplest hydro setup you can have. It also works really well if you understand water chemistry. Again I am not saying what your suggesting will not work, it just seems to me that your using a lot of media and taking up space that might be used otherwise for plant material. You may want to try cutting your 5 gal buckets down some for your veg area and going full size for flower. Just some food for thought, and as hellraizer suggested pics will speak volumes when seeking help. Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
here you go bro here is a pic of what im talking about, by doing it this way you can easily just have a extra 5 gal bucket mix nutes, drop the airstone in and put the lid on the fresh pot of water, then just clean the old one for next water change. the problem with filling the whole bucket with hydrorock is the plant is not versatile at that point and you cant really clean anything at that point ether. if anything ever goes wrong with my plants i can always just lift the pot and inspect the roots for any bacteria but with the way you are talking about you are not capable of doing that.


here you go bro here is a pic of what im talking about, by doing it this way you can easily just have a extra 5 gal bucket mix nutes, drop the airstone in and put the lid on the fresh pot of water, then just clean the old one for next water change. the problem with filling the whole bucket with hydrorock is the plant is not versatile at that point and you cant really clean anything at that point ether. if anything ever goes wrong with my plants i can always just lift the pot and inspect the roots for any bacteria but with the way you are talking about you are not capable of doing that.
Ive done dwc before, and I was wondering. If there is a way to stop root growth without stoping any other growth?


Well-Known Member
Ive done dwc before, and I was wondering. If there is a way to stop root growth without stoping any other growth?
hmmm i have heard of people trimming there roots up but i personally have never done this. can i ask why you want to have a smaller root system?
hmmm i have heard of people trimming there roots up but i personally have never done this. can i ask why you want to have a smaller root system?
when ever i do deep water culture my 6 plant root together and make one giant root ball, and it seems like the roots in the midle are not getting enough air, ive added the hydroton to maybe give roots space to breath


Rebel From The North
How can a plants roots in a dwc systen in a 5gal bucket each plant gow together? Are you doing a large
Res type dwc system with multible plants shareing the same res?

The above dwc system is as solid as it comes


Well-Known Member
From my experience I prefer to run single plants in buckets which allow the bigger root systems and therefore larger plants. The only way I have run multi-plant reservoirs is in a large 100 qt cooler which I ran the same strain and scrogged it. Even then my roots tangled so I just decided to grow into the screen from individual buckets after that grow. My 2 cents, good luck and happy growing.