what's the warmest temperature to grow weed in???


Active Member
Omg that ws fucking fast i ws like what the helll... :D i got no temps but im thinking of having my first grow the location that im at is pretty warm just wanted kno

luvvin growin

Active Member
K.Cool,just a little advice before you get going,do your homework,its not that complicated if you do it right.There's lots of useful info around,check it out.


Active Member
Yea for sure... Btw its like really hot here more than 85 degrees during the day how am i suppose to keep them cool if they where indoor without wasting too much money for electricity bills ???

luvvin growin

Active Member
well,that depends on a number of factors.You have to decide what equipment you're going to be using before any suggestions can be made.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
anything over 88 or 89 degres your plants will start to stress,The grow books say 85 but I think its a little higher,I shoot for the low 80s with a stand alone AC 7000BTU


Active Member
Nice pretty helpful,l so i got some more questions- I have an attic (not sure how you spell that) which is around +90 cm you think ill be able to grow something there. Any ideas about small plants?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Last months High Times had an article on summer heat and he even cut his lights off during the hotest days of summer.I bought the AC at lowes for about 275 and it costs about 15 dollars a month to run.Ive dealt with HEAT STRESS before and it will stunt your crop ,really slows your budding down


Active Member
I have an attic (not sure how you spell that) which is around +90 cm you think ill be able to grow something there. Any ideas about small plants? I'd be happy if someone gave me advice :)


Well-Known Member
so what about pot grown outdoors in an area that has like 95+ days most of the summer.
Ive seen outdoor grows flourish in 100 f temps with no signs of stress. I think these temp ranges mostly apply to sensitive indoor strains. Hardy, Pure Afghanis, Mexican or Thai strains are able to stand sweltering temps better because of the region they originate from. My first bagseed grow indoors, had shit for ventilation and temps topped out at 103 IN MY FUCKING CLOSET. These babies dident skip a beat as far as growth. People need to stop thinking man invented weed and it can only survive with mans help. These plants have been growing for centuries in some of the hottest regions on earth and had no problems. DONT GET ME WRONG, Im not saying keeping temps below 85 is not better for the plants, I have a speperate AC now and my room stays under 85, Im just saying they take ALOT of heat as long as its the right strain and plenty of water is provided.


Active Member
I Live in the center so the outside wont do it. The only place i can grow is the attic i've been searching for a autoflowering strain that can survive during warm weather any ideas?