Whats the problem w/pic


Well-Known Member
IMG_1268.jpgdef.jpgits the plant in far back in the first pic. Only a couple leaves have this now a couple days later 1 of the leaves looks real dry and dead-like. I think its some kind of def or light burn?
30 days at 12/12
watered and 1/2 power nuted round every 5th day in soil bagseed


Well-Known Member
Looks like burn, can we get more pics?? Best thing to do is flush for a couple 1 or 2 feedings... 5th day watering sound good depending on pot, are you letting it droop before watering? It really looks like burn, i would flush and give 1 water only dose let it dry out and decide if i was going to flush again from there...


Well-Known Member
Good Idea on the pics this is the first time ive seen/photod at night but they look good overall just want to figure out before it gets bad. Some of these other leaves do look like nute burn for sure i believe. Sometimes it may droop before but i just water based on when the soil feels well dry to me and I have a moisture meter that im not sure i trust. You think they definitely need flushed or would a plain watering be alright? I have noticed some of the leaves at the top portion of the plant that appear to have a "fake" look to them.


Well-Known Member
Tap water is not great cause of the chlorine, some say if you leave it overnight or something that it would disapate but i am not sure... You have a NICE plant i wouldnt take any chances, i would go with the spring water... I think i would not allow them to droop either, keep going with the soil, i like to tell by weight too...



Well-Known Member
Clorine will dissipate, well water is fine... What nutes u using and at what pH before feeding? I am having a similar problem with FoxFarm, started a week 4 with brownish dots, then leaves turned yellow and died off, I thought t was burn so I only waterd, then it got worse, so I just pHflushed/fed Mid week 5 to unlock the soil and also get nutes back in the soil to stop the deficency...plants not gettin worse, check out my gro, good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Nice plants chronic. I especially like the SLH I think thats gonna be my next attitude order. Im using Jacks CLassic Blossom booster...103020 with rain water from rain barrell which equals a ph of 6.0 at half power and my runoff is at about 6.0 as well. My soils ph is 7.8 according to my meter. How would I go about phflushing/fed? Or lowering the soil ph? I have dolomite lime and I don't know if that will raise it higher or stabilize it to 7?


Well-Known Member
here is 2 more pics one of the leaf that was looking bad yesterday is now really bad and the other is the other plant under exact same conditions which seems to have a zinc def. I think?...or zinc lockout prolly but all the new growth looks great on this one it was delayed due to a failed super crop on both main tops lol.IMG_1284.jpgIMG_1287.jpg


Active Member

i think its calcium deficiency. check this page out over at ICMAG > http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 -- scroll down to Ca section - maybe check them all out.

what nutrient solutions are you using. doesnt look like light burn at all to me. you're only giving them have power nutes every 5th day? i dont know, but personally that doesnt sound like enough. again, what nute lineup?


Well-Known Member

i think its calcium deficiency. check this page out over at ICMAG > http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 -- scroll down to Ca section - maybe check them all out.

what nutrient solutions are you using. doesnt look like light burn at all to me. you're only giving them have power nutes every 5th day? i dont know, but personally that doesnt sound like enough. again, what nute lineup?
jacks classic nutes 10-30-20 but its in miracle gro extended release soil with some mushroom compost mixed in also. I didnt feed till a month in to try and rid the miracle gro nutes. Im pretty sure my soil ph is off...flush with 6.4 runoff was 6.0. Does that mean my soil ph is less than 6 and I should add lime?


Active Member
even the 6.0 runoff doesnt sound bad. what medium are you in? 6 and up is ideal for soil I believe. I do coco so its 5 - 6.

I've not used jacks before. nor MG products. You didnt feed till a month into bloom? so, after veg, you didnt give em any nutes? you're 4 weeks into 12/12 right?


Well-Known Member
i dont like using lime in indoor grows...i feel its more suited for outdoor growing where pH is more likly to fluxuate, indoors usually people check their pH before water or feeding, my personal thoughts..but i would say your soil is getting lockedout and a nice solid flush followed by a good feed should help...also dont know about the medium your using, i strictly use FoxFarm..good luck bro
EDIT: also i bring my pH up to 6.7-6.9 before i feed or water


Well-Known Member
i dont like using lime in indoor grows...i feel its more suited for outdoor growing where pH is more likly to fluxuate, indoors usually people check their pH before water or feeding, my personal thoughts..but i would say your soil is getting lockedout and a nice solid flush followed by a good feed should help...also dont know about the medium your using, i strictly use FoxFarm..good luck bro
EDIT: also i bring my pH up to 6.7-6.9 before i feed or water
I flushed it last night. When should I feed?