What's the Next Move?


Well-Known Member
So i'm trying to firgure out how i should arrange my plants. I have two plants flowering in a room since 16 days ago. These are WW and i have a clone from each in my small veg room.

I also have 2 auto-ak sprouts in my veg room but i'm probably going to end up with them outside. So i was thinking of finishing the flowering then putting the clones in the bigger flower room at 20/4.

Then i can put auto-ak seeds in the flower room and i won't have to use so much power on the veg.

I was also thinking about just flowering the clones 2 and only using ak seeds but i like WW. I'm not sure what to do, i want to shut down my veg room but i also want to have WW as an option. What would you guys do?:joint:Keep ma smokin livin:peace: