whats the latest youve ever planted/heard of someone planting a seed outdoor?

i planted a vanilla kush seed about 4 weeks ago lol and its already 12/12 here and has been for a couple weeks lol

my plant is small but shes looking healthy lol

its just an experiment too i wanted to grow a plant but real small. though this is smaller than i wanted lol


Well-Known Member
I planted a couple cheese og seeds 2 weeks ago.Sprouted them indoor. After a few days I moved them outside. I wanted to see of the 12/12 from seed method works the same way outdoors as it does indoors. Mine. Are about a foot tall. Still vegging. With that method. They stay in a veg state for 20 - 35 days until they are mature enough to flower. They also grow much faster than seeds do in 18/6. I hope it works the same outside
I planted a couple cheese og seeds 2 weeks ago.Sprouted them indoor. After a few days I moved them outside. I wanted to see of the 12/12 from seed method works the same way outdoors as it does indoors. Mine. Are about a foot tall. Still vegging. With that method. They stay in a veg state for 20 - 35 days until they are mature enough to flower. They also grow much faster than seeds do in 18/6. I hope it works the same outside
what country you in?

im in England and even this early outdoor weather isnt the best at this time of year, and its not going to get any better. my plant is like 8 inches tall lol

the last few weeks have been cloudy most days


Well-Known Member
what country you in?

im in England and even this early outdoor weather isnt the best at this time of year, and its not going to get any better. my plant is like 8 inches tall lolm

the last few weeks have been cloudy most days
I'm in California U.S.A. Hot and sunny everyday. Cooler at night. The plants only get direct sunlight for 6:30 am to 1:00 pm
then they are in the shade the rest of the day. I'm also force flowering. I have 2 I'm vegging inside for about 6 weeks. Then they are going outside again. Its stays pretty warm during the day where I'm at most of the year. From Dec -Feb it gets pretty cold at night. 30-40 degrees. I have an insulated shed i put them in at sleepy time.
I'm in California U.S.A. Hot and sunny everyday. Cooler at night. The plants only get direct sunlight for 6:30 am to 1:00 pm
then they are in the shade the rest of the day. I'm also force flowering. I have 2 I'm vegging inside for about 6 weeks. Then they are going outside again. Its stays pretty warm during the day where I'm at most of the year. From Dec -Feb it gets pretty cold at night. 30-40 degrees. I have an insulated shed i put them in at sleepy time.

california weather >>>>

i want to live over there so bad, the weed you guys grow is so fucking awesome. when i visited i thought people would grow a lot more sativas too, take advantage of the sunny/hot climate and all

im bringing my plant in at night also, its not super cold yet but shes still kind of small and delicate so she comes inside. im really curious to see if i get anything off it. a friend of my has a blue cheese plant that he put in his garden from seed way back in april. its about 4 foot tall and real bushy, and its already flowering.

mine still has a ways to go yet lol


Well-Known Member
I have another plant outside. It was meant for indoor and mainlined. But a few branches got broken off on the move. Only 2 branches left and 3ft tall. So I decided to tie it down and put outside. Force flowering. It just started shooting out pistols (start of buds). Exactly at 14 days of force flowering. It was under t5 prior. It probably took 5 days or so to acclamate to outdoor conditions. Its at day 17 of force flower now.

cancer survivor

Active Member
i plant seedlings thru the first week of august an get small little tasty nugs. usually give them to freinds that dont grow. start my reguler plants in march, put out in may and harvest in october!


Well-Known Member
I tossed a germed bean in a planter at an abandoned run down and boarded up business a 12 days ago for laughs. It's going slow and hasn't even popped it's second node yet. Tossed a baby dose of Osmocote on it because I'm sure the soil is completely void of any kind of nutes. Might just leave it alone and check to see what it's doing every other week out of boredom. Was thinking about chopping the top off a 3 liter bottle and using the bottom as a makeshift greenhouse just to see if it'll survive through the entire winter under there.