What's the highest yall ever got?


Well-Known Member
do you mean... on weed?
highest I ever got on weed I hotboxed a shed and then ate a MooseBurger(gotta love being Canadian eh?)
that was loaded with Habenero peppers! I start trippin seeing fractals and kaleidescopes.... I was also in tears from the hot habeneros it was inteeeeeeeense!

kinda like that one episode of the Simpsons where homer eats the hot chili

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
in my more younger days when i first started smokin i got so high i had kinda like a outer body experience........ like 8 big ass bong hits... i shouldnt have even took half that..... didnt smoke alot, but everytime to my last recent i was good, i try to stay up n enjoy my high, not fall asleep.... but if you do then you do


Active Member
I would have to say just plain ass paralyzed... Pinconning Paralyzer done the deed on me. It was many years ago and still remember it to this day.
I could not move at ALL, a total out of body slow motion couch lock.
Sure wish I could get a hold of some of that today, damm that shit was good 2 hits and you where fucked up for hours!!!!

Next to that would be cookies, Was out in Colorado this past April visiting the wifes twin sister up in the mountains and had a cookie... All I can say is WOW!!! 6-7 hours of a completely insane high.... First day I ate one by myself, nobody understood the ride I was on. The next day the wife ate one with me and not until then did she believe me how great it is. She now LOVES cookies and is a believer on how great they are.


Active Member
ive been so high i got lost in my own thoughts for about 3 hours in a friend garage haha, i was just sitting in a chair staring at her wall of tools. that was back in my first 6 months of smokin though, damn those were great days.


Well-Known Member
i have gotten to the point that when i war trying to leave a friends house, i ended up getting lost in his neighboorhood driving around for like 15 minutes trying to find my way back to the main road out.Kept driving and driving till i finaly found the exit road,i was thinking like wow Wtf man.


Well-Known Member
I got so high that I finally said fuck the war on drugs and moved to south america. Now, drugs are my friends again :D
Just the weed, brothers. Just the weed.


Active Member
when i was 14 i got a pound for free, i then invested in a box of dutch masters(4-20 in ''04'').... that mornin I was literally the highest I ever ben. It was only me and 2 friends. we smoked only about 6 blunts, a couple we stuffed 'not rolled'. I never ben that high and to be honest would never want to be again. At first I was fine, chillin laughing, then got real tired, after that felt like I smoked myself str8, then I went outside for some air and started throwing up like the Exorcist, Green Shit and all that.