What's the Best Way to Store Weed Long-Term?


Well-Known Member
read on to where it states that 4 YEAR OLD SHIT IS WORTHLESS stored the way ALL LP's store it....LMAOROTFF... lol this is nothing new to the ones who have been in this..:blsmoke:

Storing cannabis long-term may not be a pressing issue for those who don't have a great deal of it, or consume it at a rate where long-term storage isn't a really a concern. But be it a bountiful homegrown harvest, a great score made from your local dispensary, or a killer, uh, "hook up," how to best keep your weed in primo conditions for future sessions is a worthwhile question. Working with the known factors—cannabis degrades when exposes to light, air, and heat—gives us a base from which to start.

Containers should be airtight and block out light. Those glass mason jars, while airtight, let in light, so consider changing containers or blacking them out in some fashion. (There are sleeves for jars made of wetsuit materials such as neoprene that both block out light and give the glass an added buffer against bumps and drops.) Dropping in a Boveda pack helps regulate humidity—too much moisture in a sealed jar will result in mold, but if there's not enough, it will get so dry that it'll crumble when touched.

Adding to our pot preservation knowledge base is a new study from Italian scientists, who showed admirable restraint by using various methods to store various weed and hash for four years, in order to determine which was best for preserving the THC. As reported by Marijuana Moment, the scientists collected various high-potency hash and flower from law enforcement agencies, tested it for THC, CBD, and CBN, and then stored the weed in several ways: at room temperature, in a refrigerator, and in the freezer.

Per Marijuana Moment: "The testing conditions differed by light exposure (whether it was light or dark 24 hours) and storage temperature (including at room temperature, refrigerated at 4 degrees Celsius or frozen at -20 degrees Celsius). Over the span of the study period, the samples were tested 14 times."

The scientists discovered that the cannabis which was stored at room temperature, in both the light and dark conditions, had a reduction in THC by 13 percent (light) and 11 percent (dark). As THC denigrates, it converts into CBN, so those numbers went up as well.

The refrigerated cannabis showed a slower rate of THC loss, although after four years, what was stored at room temperature and in a refrigerator had lost nearly 100 percent of its THC. The cannabis which was stored in the freezer, however, retained virtually all of its THC, and experienced minimal degradation.

So if you have an extra pound you won't be blowing through anytime soon, the deep freeze is your best bet. Or, making some new friends and smoking it a bit faster works, too.

I thought everyone did that? I bought an extra freezer just for that purpose.
only idiots put fresh dried herb in a fridge to store LMAOFOTFF..like SHITWEED DOES and all the rest that have 5 plus years of poisin garbage shit to toss on unsuspecting REC and MED folks..:spew::finger::hump:
WWWWWWWWHHHHYYYYYYY....I think it might be something to do with.....
BOYCOTTING by decent people not buying scumbag weed.
Wonder how they like NOW being the SCUMBAG dealers to people.
Turnabout is fair play and karma's a bitch baby..............
they think people who use pot are bad but they try and sell it to the GOOD ONES?:idea::lol:(::clap::mrgreen::blsmoke:

and they wonder why investors cash is going down the drain faster than fast..:lol:
I had this argument with some friends after they got their ACMPR. Store it in mason jars they said, lol. As we all know since high school many years ago, you put weed in the freezer.
The only problem with the freezer is the trichomes become brittle and break off very easily. Plus a few dozen mason jars kinda takes a lot of space lol
I never store my weed in mason jars in the freezer. Mason jars are ok for curing weed but I don't store them in the freezer. Put it in a ziplock and when you take it out don't manipulate the bag until it thaws out (10 minutes or so), then you won't have any trichomes fall off.
I don't get long term storage issues.
I grow for a living and will have on hand constantly around 5 lbs on average, seeing as I grow perpetually.
That amount will be sold in a month, and then the next month I'll have 5 lbs more, and so on and so forth.
Who the fuck keeps herb around for 4 years anyway?
The only problem with the freezer is the trichomes become brittle and break off very easily. Plus a few dozen mason jars kinda takes a lot of space lol
Plus if there is any moisture in the weed, that will freeze and essentially destroy your herb.
I say no to freezers as a storage method, just put in jars and tuck it into a closet, that all I do and it has worked pretty well over the last 30 years.
don play with it//be careful.pack in smaller bags ;)

from the day its dry enough to smoke..It only degrades from this point
Agree 100%. Most dealers like slick Willey have known this for 30 years too, and every dealer down the line that slick Willey sold to kept it in the freezer until it was all sold.
Purge the jar with nitrogen or pump and seal the jar so it is in a cold vacuum. Even better if you do both. If you have a cold storage room in the basement, put it in there. These are the only ways to prevent trichrome oxidation, mold and dry out/ freeze dry over a long period of time. You can literally keep wet bud like this and it will not mold or dry out. Mold cannot colonize without oxygen to breathe.

Deep freeze will eventually push the moisture out of the buds, and the frost will break trichromes off when it forms. The bottom of the bag or tote will have some rich shake. Seen it more than a few times. Ever eat tough freezer burnt steak? Same shit

Oxygen, light and heat degrade thc. The more oxygen that is displaced the less thc will be converting to cbn. It's simple chemistry.
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