What's the Best Way to Separate Veg From Flowering? On the Cheap....


Ok - Here is my deal.

I have a room in my house I dedicate to growing. I currently have a tent in that room that is doing it all. I want to convert that tent into the 12/12 tent, and set up a veg light on the outside somehow... without using a tent.

My concern is how to keep the light from bothering the 12/12 plants. Any suggestions on how to rig something up cheap? I'll be using a 400 W MH on the veg.

Gracias :)

redeye jedi88

Active Member
my tent is in my room dont have any problems you only need one vent open for your passive intake so put the light on the other side of the tent or put something over the vent at an angle so air can still get in but light cant

redeye jedi88

Active Member
use your imagination try something and stand in your tent if you have to see if it works then just tweak until you have it right


Thats funny, I was looking for the "like" button too! Thanks for your reassurance... I appreciate it! Happy growing!!