What's the best way to crack/germinate seeds


Active Member

I'm planning on using the damp towel method. Is there a specific way to do this? I know to just get 2 towels and out them in between, but I read somewhere that it should be around 80 degrees or so. Is that necessary? Let me know. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i dont use paper towels any more. i used to and i would get bad results, it would take a long time and usualy a few wouldnt germ at all. i now use just a cup of water, if i put seeds in the water in the morning i usualy have most of them cracked by that night. all for sure the next day. they need to be in the dark, and yes warmth helps. i duct taped a pill bottle up so no light could get in and then kept it on top of the handle on my ballast.


Well-Known Member

I'm planning on using the damp towel method. Is there a specific way to do this? I know to just get 2 towels and out them in between, but I read somewhere that it should be around 80 degrees or so. Is that necessary? Let me know. Thanks.

This method works very well for me. I don't even heat the paper towel up, and they work just fine. Soil isn't warm generally so they do fine. I can't say forsure, but if people have seeds that don't germinate this way, it's probably the seeds and not the method of germination - unless they messed up and let the paper towel dry up.


Well-Known Member
A damp paper towel in a small tupperware dish, light or no light doesnt matter. Just sit it somewhere warm. I usually have at least 90 percent success in about a day and at the most 2. Making sure your seeds arent damaged or infertile is the biggest key. Just cause the seed looks good doesnt mean theres a living embryo in there. Its just an opinion thing and there is no sure fire way to do it. Just tinker and find the way that suits your needs. The cup of water is a good method for determinin the viability of the seeds though. If the shell is cracked the water will enter and make the seed sink, but to simply germinate them in water is a bit risky because of bacteria cultures in the water sometime form a funk on the seed if you dont allow them airflow. Im not a scientist or anything just speaking strictly from personal experience. And a bit stoned.


Well-Known Member
I wet a couple paper towels and place in the dark for 2-3 days. I have done this with Bag seed and had a 90% cracked.
I am getting ready to get some f-1 hybrids and use my same method. Works for me.


Well-Known Member
paper towel, gatta make sure it doesnt dry out, takes a few days... if you ever seen what the towel method did to the root under a microscope, you would never even think of it again. theres micro roots that come off the taproot and go into the towel, when you open it it rips them all off.

cup o water, drop the seeds in... 1 day... and your root is perfect.


Well-Known Member
cup o water, drop the seeds in... 1 day... and your root is perfect.
shot glasses work really well for me, ability to put individual seeds into their own "cup" of water makes it easy to move into medium when and if the seeds crack, plus you can move them when they're ready without disturbing any others...

Old Dog New tricks

Well-Known Member
Just got my first delivery from "THE ATTITUDE" with no delays. (6 bus. days) I came here to find the best germ method. Went with paper towel, but after reading Glass Freaks' comments, think I will switch to glass of water method. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Just put them straight into the soil and forget all about the shot glass paper towel stuff you have heard about.


Active Member
In water overnight, most of them crack in the morning

Then I put them in wet paper towels for another day to get the root

100% success on 4 seeds


Well-Known Member
use some sand paper and scratch the outside of the seed before you put it in the water.
itll make the water reach the seed faster w/o having to soften up the outer shell