whats sprayed bud


Active Member
this kid was talking about his friend spraying bud to make it better what is he spraying on it and is it harmful?

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
some times people spray cola on the buds

and some people mix fiberglass,and sand,sugar into the bud or soak them in a brine


Well-Known Member
he could be spraying the stuff you buy on internet to make the buds smell better.. i dont think thats harmfull but he could be spraying water on it.. which you dont wanna smoke water itll fuk up ur lungs and if he spraying with a chemical im pretty sure its more then likely bad 4 u


Well-Known Member
I seriously dount smoking water is bad for you. Unless it's a LOT if water, (I'm thinkin pneumonia,) I take it you are in europe? That's not a real big problem in the states. You really should find out what he's spraying on there. Personally, I wouldn't even want to fuck with it.


Well-Known Member
I heard that one of the dealers I know sprays windex on his weed that he sells to get people to like it..... I just stay away from any bud that has been sprayed especially if you dont know what it is


Well-Known Member
sprayed bud is a no no!!!

well, if ur in the UK anyway,

ive heard of people spraying their commercially produced weed with all sorts. petrol,hair spray, lemonade.

it weighs more so big time commercial growers sell more because each load weighs more.

it taste like shit. smokes crap and is no good for u. ive had headaches from the stuff. ive had joints that go out after every couple of tokes and have to be re-lit. its horrible.

there was also weed going round the UK year or so go with tiny particals of glass in it. i read of one case where some guy was coughing up blood because it had scratches his lungs and internals.

seriously, do not buy it if u can help it. and in no means necessary is it better.