whats bothers me, is the way sex is used to sell everything and is everywhere in the media.. just the other day I seen a commercial with two TEENS.. they're standing facing each other one says "are you ready" as she's undoing in pants and it shows teh guy and slowly they undress and them jump in the water.. then at the end it comes up Levis.. what tha fuck? This is how you're selling cloths to children and teenagers? By telling them them this is all cool? wasnt teenage pregnacy an issue at one point? when did it stop? when we decided we couldnt handle our kids? where im at, 3 out of 4 high school girls have an STD.. thats high school.. now.. in ten years at the most it'll be in grade school..
When did it become socially acceptable to be a whore? Remember when a girl would have sex with multiple partner's and eventually after so many you would be like "she's a whore" and it would mean she's trashy and nobody wanted her around? What happened? Now day's you might be considered a whore if you have multiple partner's at the same time.. depending on how many of them there are and how many other girls were involved.. This is why I don't have kids and am in no hurry.. because I don't want it to happen to my daughter.. it's already gonna happen to a friendof mine's daughter and nobodies doing anything about it except enforcing her idea's.. she's only ten.. so asfar as anyone knows nothing yet.. but it's a matter of time.. and it's sad because society has put such an importance on girlfriends and boyfriends... if you're a girl and you dont ahve a boyfriend you must be ugly and if you're a boy and dont have a girlfriend.. you're a loser.. What the fuck? What happened to if you cant stand on your own two feet you shouldnt bring in two more to help you lean up? Thsi little girl i was talking about honestly believes that all there is in life, is having a boyfriend, getting married, him taking care of her, and her having a baby.. she's only 10.. what tha fuck? and thsi si in the country... there's websites dedicated to teenage girls being as sexual as possible,.. Maybe i'm wrong, and if so please, someone.. take me from this world.. but it's sickening.. you cant wtach cartoons without some sexual undertone's and the image of two people being together and being in love.. Love is fine.. when it find syou.. but no one ever goes out hunting love and finds it.. and thats what our kids are being taght and that the best way to find is, is spread your legs and let it cum..
To me, it says to girls you are what's between your legs.. nevermind whats in your head.. of that just what, 50-70 years ago women couldnt vote much-less have a say in how our country is lead.. but now you can run for president if you really want to.. you as a woman, have as much ability to change teh world as anyman.. but nevermind that because it's all about whats in your pants.,. it's sad.. exspeciallyw hen you think about how far we as humans have come.. to let this be all we are at times..