whats jacks products do you use?


Active Member
i have heard good things,i was thinking of getting a tub each of 20-20-20 and 10-30-20.....
what jacks products is everyone else using?and what are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I use Jacks pretty much exclusively.

20-20-20 is really great. I use it pretty much exclusively, and only run into issues with longer flowering strains. I don't know what you are using as a medium, but if I have a 10 week or longer strain, in fox farms Happy Frog, I run into a calcium problem.

I just used up the last of my 20-10-20 Jack's Citrus. Generally I was using this towards the end of flowering as it contains magnesium.

One thing to be aware of, and I've noticed it on a couple of strains that you want to definitely ramp down fertilizing towards the end as its possible to have a strain re-flower.

Jacks is really solid. Only other thing I use is a Potassium Silicate. Seem to get stronger stems when using it v. Not using it. I do amend my medium with calcium to avoid having to use anything else for my longer flowering strains.

I honestly couldn't be happier with the product and the value I get out of it. If you have any questions I'd be happy to try to answer them.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine shot me a cup of Jacks 20-20-20 and I have a tub of the 10-30-20.

I used the 10-30-20 in my first indoor run and was pleased with the results. The 20-20-20 appears to work fine atm.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine shot me a cup of Jacks 20-20-20 and I have a tub of the 10-30-20.

I used the 10-30-20 in my first indoor run and was pleased with the results. The 20-20-20 appears to work fine atm.
Both are fine really. What I love about Jacks is how straight forward it is to use, hard to over do it, and really doesn't need additional products. For instance, I can start using Jacks on seedlings and young plants without damaging them (200 ppm). If a plant is in flower, I can easily use one scoop per gallon and not worry about burning from overfeeding. I've never had lockout from its use and it works quickly for nitrogen fixing during flower.

Jacks isn't the only type of fertilizer that's mostly complete, you can buy in bulk and make your own. Yet for growers who don't want 50 lb bags, for the price, Jacks is a solid product. I've been happy with the Classic as well as Citrus. There are a few other lines I wouldn't mind trying a few other lines of theirs as they may be more appropriate for different stages.

Let me tell you, the price is unbeatable (with the exception of the bulk comment above) and the true value is definitely there in the end product.