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I’m in week 8 on my Dina Auto White Widow grow and it’s been a struggle from the get go. The plant is in a 3 gallon fabric pot with a coco and perlite mix under a mars hydro 480w LED. I ph my water to around 6.2 with 1-2 TSP of cal/mag. I started the seed directly in the soild with 2 TBS of Doctor earth 4-4-4 organic dry amendments mixed into the top 4 inches of soil per Dr. Earths recommendations. Needles to say, the soil was to hot so the seedling took forever to grow and suffered nutrient burn. It’s never really recovered either and it’s always been a sickly plant. At the beginning of week three I did a top dressing of 1 1/2 TBS of 4-4-4. At the begging of week 7 I did a top dressing of Dr. Earths 3-9-4 and two weeks later on the begging of week 8 (this week) I did another top dressing of 3-9-4. The plants seems to not improve or get worse. Im kind lost as to what to do and I’m to much of a newb to be able to pinpoint exactly what’s going on. This might be a lost cause because it’s a auto flower with about 25 days left and the buds have barely formed and growth is none existent. Any idea or pointers? I think on the next grow I’m going to pick up a ppm pen and switch back to trying the Fox Farm trio in coco instead of the organic dry amendments.


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I’m in week 8 on my Dina Auto White Widow grow and it’s been a struggle from the get go. The plant is in a 3 gallon fabric pot with a coco and perlite mix under a mars hydro 480w LED. I ph my water to around 6.2 with 1-2 TSP of cal/mag. I started the seed directly in the soild with 2 TBS of Doctor earth 4-4-4 organic dry amendments mixed into the top 4 inches of soil per Dr. Earths recommendations. Needles to say, the soil was to hot so the seedling took forever to grow and suffered nutrient burn. It’s never really recovered either and it’s always been a sickly plant. At the beginning of week three I did a top dressing of 1 1/2 TBS of 4-4-4. At the begging of week 7 I did a top dressing of Dr. Earths 3-9-4 and two weeks later on the begging of week 8 (this week) I did another top dressing of 3-9-4. The plants seems to not improve or get worse. Im kind lost as to what to do and I’m to much of a newb to be able to pinpoint exactly what’s going on. This might be a lost cause because it’s a auto flower with about 25 days left and the buds have barely formed and growth is none existent. Any idea or pointers? I think on the next grow I’m going to pick up a ppm pen and switch back to trying the Fox Farm trio in coco instead of the organic dry amendments.
You are in hydro, go with hydro nutrients. I highly recommend General Hydroponics 3 part Flora Series. I've used it for years. Another decent one in Veg I've used is DynaGro Foliage Pro (1 part easy)
Your plant looks short on Mg. With that being said...

Coco has an affinity for Mg and Ca...it tends to require us who use it, to run a bit more Ca and Mg than what others may.
Coco, at least in a hydro application, prefers a pH @ 5.8

I realize you're attempting to grow like Mr. Cannuck, and while he's successful at his method, it's my opinion, it presents a lot of challenges. Also consider you're using organic amendments which will take time to break down and become available to your plant, so I wouldn't expect over night responses to your inputs. While I'm hesitant to say do this or that, largely because I only use coco in a hydro application, I would suggest a foliar spray of Epsom salt, which should green up your plant. Good luck friend.
Your plant looks short on Mg. With that being said...

Coco has an affinity for Mg and Ca...it tends to require us who use it, to run a bit more Ca and Mg than what others may.
Coco, at least in a hydro application, prefers a pH @ 5.8

I realize you're attempting to grow like Mr. Cannuck, and while he's successful at his method, it's my opinion, it presents a lot of challenges. Also consider you're using organic amendments which will take time to break down and become available to your plant, so I wouldn't expect over night responses to your inputs. While I'm hesitant to say do this or that, largely because I only use coco in a hydro application, I would suggest a foliar spray of Epsom salt, which should green up your plant. Good luck friend.
Thanks for the info. I actually was combining info from Mr. Cannuck and Dr. Earth but it’s been a struggle. Do you think I’m on the right track with wanting to go with hydro specific bottle nutrients on my next grow and ditch the organic dry amendments? It is a pain with how the organic fertilizer takes longer to absorb vs the bottled stuff. I feel like I have less control and it’s harder to correct over and under feeding issues. I have the fox farm trio that I tried a time or two so I guess I’ll give them a shot on my next grow just to finish up those bottles and then I’ll switch to something else. Also, could I not just use my cal/mag that I already have on hand as a foiler spray instead of epsom salt?
Far be it from me to tell a fellow grower if they're on the right track or not. I know the way you're going about it now is a challenge, but I won't tell you not to take that challenge on. If it were me, I'd handle the coco in a DTW system and call it a day...but that's just me. You do you. And yes, you could spray your Cal/Mag vs the Epsom salt. I simply don't like adding things the plant isn't calling for, so rather than bumping up your Ca and Mg, the Epsom just lets you hit the Mg side of things. But yeah, make the most of what you have; it'll work. Good luck friend.