Whats is going on with this plant?


Well-Known Member
They are 16 days old, they are on a light blend of nutes just started 2 days ago but this plant has looked like this since it was a seed. Now that its starting to get bigger its starting to get crazier the ppm and ph are perfect. Temp is at 75degrees and water temp is at 75 degrees. so no idea to be honest.


Well-Known Member
so its not lighting, it could be nutes... you really shouldnt give the plants any nutes until 4-5 weeks of the veg cycle, it might be burning the plants. you didnt follow the directions for the nutes did you? start small and increase dosage amount gradually. how often have you been watering? what kind of soil are you using? does your soil mix drain well or retain a lot of water in the bottom of the pot?


Well-Known Member
Oh yea sorry. High Moment! Its an aero setup, with a 1 min on 5 min off cycle for watering. the nutes are very very small nothing that would cause that to them. My father thinks I need to introduce the light cycle now. 18 on 6 off. So i just started to give them dark first time ever for them. Think it needs some repair time.


Well-Known Member
You are doing fine. Maybe just a little slow is all. Going to 18/6 can't hurt. Otherwise I think you are good. Keep bumping up those nutes very slowly.

75º water temp may eventually lead to some nasties growing in the res, but it isn't an emergency. 65-70 is better.

Otherwise it all looks good. Have you seen this thread? People there are using the exact same set-up. Good place to get answers:



Well-Known Member
OK, I just looked at your other picture of the Rubbermaid. You obviously know about the Stinkbud thread, lol. It is too close to be a coincidence.


Well-Known Member
I'm running Stinkbudz setup. Down to the T. The only thing is I'm starting from seeds. So i have a little bit of a learning curve because they are coming from seeds. But I have a Whole Propagation setup with heat pad and 4 size domes to keep humidity controlled along with growth. One the stems are 4 inches tall I transplanted them to the net pots and started them on the watering cycle. PH balanced, I checked my temp of the water again an its 70 cause there was 6 hours of no light. The rez sits on the floor of the basement which is a cool 65degree constant so with the 6mil of plastic and the plastic from the Rubbermaid it keeps it lower somewhat. I just honestly think its a freak of genetic because there are no nodes to it the leaves are just stacking on top of each other.