What's happening here


Well-Known Member
Looks like burn Deputy Dog...also turn ur lights off when u take pictures so peeps can see the natural color of the plant

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I haven't ever gone over half strength with the nutes I'm using bio bizz it's been ok up until the last week I thought it may be a cal mag issue so I've added some and the new growth looks healthy do you think the discolouration of the leaves may indicate they need more nitrogen ?


Well-Known Member
Those hydro store nutes are industrial strength. You really do need to add sparingly. The new growth DOES look good and that's always what I like to see. So mb it needed Ca and Mg but I'm sticking by my guns and those older leaves were def burned. Its difficult to see bc the picture is so yellowed out. Anywho its good to remember that you're growing a weed and the plant most times will bounce back from abuse.