Whats going on with my plants (pic)


I'm not sure but I have the same problem. I thought it was PH but I have mine at 6.0 and problem won't go away.


Well-Known Member
we need alot more info! what type of soil-how often and how much areu watering-have you given then nutes? if so how much and how ofter? what your temperature like?


Well-Known Member
Your prolly gonna laugh when u see my setup so let me tell you now im a poor guy from Wv so i dont have much to work with im useing mirical grow moisture control soil ( i know BOO) and i was watering withabout a good side cup full off tap water (i know BOO) i just started rain water today trying to see if tap water is the problem



Well-Known Member
we need alot more info! what type of soil-how often and how much are u watering-have you given then nutes? if so how much and how often? what your temperature like?[/QUOTE]
original poster- you still didnt answer some of my questions, lol, if u tell me this info im sure i can tell you what it is thats wrong


Well-Known Member
I have mirical grow moisture control soil and i was watering them every evening with tap water but now im watering them every morning with rain water and i dont measure my water i use a watering jug with the holed end just like you would use to water flowers i just poor for about 6 seconds and then lightly go over my plants like they where getting rained on and i keep a fan constantly runing it stays about 70-80 depends on what the weather is like outside about 75-80 then night/morning 65-70 i know thats a little cold but i live in a trailer and my closent isnt well insilated so i keep the door wide open and a fan flowing the heat in there so it doesnt drop 2 low i would say that 65 is the lowest it will ever get but it always drops about 10 degress every night


Well-Known Member
your overwatering, cannabis likes wet/dry cycles. let your soil dry out a few days before watering from now on. when the top 2-3 inches are dry when you stick your finger in the soil its ready to be watered


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks is that why the top one is looks like its curling and the tip/edges are turning brown/black?


Well-Known Member
overwatering and maybe a bit of nuteburn from your soil is whats causing it. 65f is perfectly fine dude(in fact its about ideal....), outside temps get alot colder during fall at night than that. round here in oct/nov it gets to be about 40-50 degrees at night and my outside plants dont seem to care, they can survive short periods of under 32f if need be, the thing thats the problem is frost, and even then it can still take a few milder frosts w/no problems before the first severe(hard frost) frost kills it and lol, their is a chance they could survive that even. lol


Well-Known Member
ITS THE MIRACLE GROW fer sure!!!! that shit is a bitch get sum better soil and transplant asap!! the soil u r useing has timed release nutes in em. BAD NUTES THO. they r NOT good for pot.



Well-Known Member
also u need to decloninate ur watter! let it sit out fer 24 hours, AT LEAST! i has minute a mounts of clorine in it, people couldnt notice, but POT DOES!!


Well-Known Member
also u need to decloninate ur watter! let it sit out fer 24 hours, AT LEAST! i has minute a mounts of clorine in it, people couldnt notice, but POT DOES!!
lol, chlorine has no effect of cannabis itself, the plants dont notice, its the beneficial microbes in the soil that it hurts.


Well-Known Member
not much, lol, just got done w/work a few hours ago so im just chilling puffing on some buds, just another boring day. lol

me too on da puffin, i got an eighth of this shit man and looked, and smelled GOOD, but the hi aint there....:-(.....i knew i should of went to the clinic, DAMN drug dealers hahahhaa


Well-Known Member
I figured it was the soil i grew outside in the same soil and my girls done good i cant find any other soil i live in wv our biggest store is walmart lol and thats all our walmart has im going to go to lowes soon to get a spot glow for flower while im there ill see if they ever got anything diff they have mirical grow to and i was wondering what if i just mix it up with regular dirt from my garden if that would kind of slow it down so it wont burn and as far as temp goes it gets cold outside like u said 30-40 but inside it only drops to about 60 and i heard that if the temp drops below 32 that the only way they will survive with lil damage is if they are dry and should i keep my fan on them 24/7 or just when my lights are on?


Well-Known Member
alright, heres what ya should do if you can only get miracle grow soils- buy the organic mg soil, buy another brand with no nutes pre-added, buy moisture control miracle grow, have 50% of the soil be the nute free soil and 25% each of the mg soils, ive also heard of a ph control miracle grow so if ya want you can also looks into that.