Whats Everyone Using For Aphids These Days?


Well-Known Member
I went out today and noticed an infestations starting, not too bad yet, on my outdoor plants in early to mid flower. I haven't had aphids in many years but I used to use a 4 to 1 Water to Peroxide with decent results and then used captain jack with spinosad after the peroxide treatment up until a week or two before flower. Does the spinosad stay in the bud and does it even work? Ive also manually used a UV light and a vacuum with a half inch tip to get a lot of them but that needs to be done every 5 days or so. Also might have what looks like some thrip damage but it might just be the aphids. Just wondering what everyone is using before I go commando on them with H202 and Jacks Spinosad.

Theres alot more than those two

My method was to dump a container of ladybugs every Monday night.
Had a seed distributor see the plant earlier in the week and there was no evidence of bug damage. He was rather impressed with the size of the plant and lack of damage.
My method was to dump a container of ladybugs every Monday night.
Had a seed distributor see the plant earlier in the week and there was no evidence of bug damage. He was rather impressed with the size of the plant and lack of damage.

I did some ladybugs during the stretch this year just to give my plants a closer look and it was a fun experience lol
So I took a multi stage approach cause i thought I may have had some mites too.
I sprayed them with Malic acid at 4500mg to 1 quart water with peroxide at a 4 to 1 ratio.
Then I sprayed them down with the hose medium high pressure flat setting that got most of them off and rinsed off the acid and peroxide.
Then I took a inflator nozzle to a battery powered inflator the size of a pen tube and taped that onto a shop vac extension. I blew high pressure air to dry out the buds and it blew any stragglers off all the leaves one by one. I went through the each plant all 7 inch by inch.
Then I used a combination of ARBER Bionsecticide and BioProtectant, let that dry and sprayed spinosad. I added sand to the top of my soil in the buckets and DE along the base of the stem area. Hopefully this works.
I also used heavy neem along the base of the where the buckets are and the area around it

If it gets too bad Ill bomb them with pyretherin and use pollinate them all for seed stock and toss the buds.
Thank you. They are in buckets and small enough where I can put a bag over it, I wonder if sulfur would kill them.

Sulfur did nothing to the aphids I sprayed. And it sucks because you can’t spray anything oil based for something like 30 days after using sulfur.

I have been having some success spot treating with bronners Castile soap. I got some pyrethrin in the mail yesterday. Sprayed a small cluster of aphids as a test, it killed them pretty much instantly. Shit smells like roach spray though. I would not recommend spraying it in flower if you plan to smoke it. I might buy some of those lace wings. Sounds like a good solution.
So I took a multi stage approach cause i thought I may have had some mites too.
I sprayed them with Malic acid at 4500mg to 1 quart water with peroxide at a 4 to 1 ratio.
Then I sprayed them down with the hose medium high pressure flat setting that got most of them off and rinsed off the acid and peroxide.
Then I took a inflator nozzle to a battery powered inflator the size of a pen tube and taped that onto a shop vac extension. I blew high pressure air to dry out the buds and it blew any stragglers off all the leaves one by one. I went through the each plant all 7 inch by inch.
Then I used a combination of ARBER Bionsecticide and BioProtectant, let that dry and sprayed spinosad. I added sand to the top of my soil in the buckets and DE along the base of the stem area. Hopefully this works.
I also used heavy neem along the base of the where the buckets are and the area around it

If it gets too bad Ill bomb them with pyretherin and use pollinate them all for seed stock and toss the buds.
that's some citizen level commitment right there.
career sergeant zim would be proud.


just remember kids... the only GOOD bug is a DEAD bug...
that's some citizen level commitment right there.
career sergeant zim would be proud.

View attachment 5328521

just remember kids... the only GOOD bug is a DEAD bug...
Im kicking their ass right now. Everyday I use a UV light in the garage to see them and I vacuum them up. Then I sprinkle 10-20 ladybugs on the very top of each one every night and it seems to be working. The ladybugs make their way down to the bottom then back up they are great.
Im kicking their ass right now. Everyday I use a UV light in the garage to see them and I vacuum them up. Then I sprinkle 10-20 ladybugs on the very top of each one every night and it seems to be working. The ladybugs make their way down to the bottom then back up they are great.

using bugs to kill other bugs is pretty f*cking metal.
i have yet to employ the ladybugs...

i'm fixin' to head out right now to do my "fertilizer friday" chore and do the spinosad/neem treatment simultaneously.

i've been battling the bug menace myself for a few weeks. thrips decided to join the fray currently embattled by spidermites and caterpillars. thrips thought they had easy pickins but tasted my wrath instead. days after the first wave, only pockets of light resistance remain. they shall be dealt with DECISEIVELY this afternoon.
