What's eating me?


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing as the op on my veggies and a plant. Turned a leaf over and there was a 2" worm ( different than a bud worm ) on the vein of a half eatin leaf. Any ways , Spinosad will stop that shit right now .


Well-Known Member
For sure not spider mites... Would start feeding with the advised solution listed above or pick yourself up some azamax and start spraying twice a day..


Well-Known Member
caterpillar or snail ftw!

i think they would need to be a new variety of giant spider mites to make so many large holes


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's for sure not spider mites. I had those a few years ago and lost 1/2 the harvest to those little fuckers.
I've inspected very close for worms and caterpillars and haven't found any. Possibly moths? Or some kind of fungus.
I sprayed her down with some organic pest/fungus stuff. We'll see.
The fan leaves are prematurely yellowing too. (see pics)
But all the new growth looks healthy. About 1 week into flower.
The plant growing right next to her is twice as big and healthy as can be. Got me befuddled.DSCN8833.JPG DSCN8835.JPG


Well-Known Member
I've noticed grasshoppers hear and there on mine. I've also noticed a great deal of small frogs around and on my plants. They've been keeping things tidied up for me.:hump: