Whats causing this?


Well-Known Member
What Kind of soil, Lights,RH, PPms,Neuts, if you know them. It will help get the right advice for you.
To me it may be to dry maybe? but that is just a guess not knowing what you are using.
Pictures of the top of your lady will help too.
Also make sure it isn't root bound,
There are so many things that can affect your girl, More info and pics will help people here identify your issue's
Good luck Hope you get it all figured out.

BTW Welcome to RIU
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Thanks. More pics coming... tomorrow I'm hoping to transfer Into large green rubber made storage containers and cleane roots really good an new fox farm.. as far as nutrients I have not other than some guano early on but at least a month with no nutrients. I thought it was too much water at first cause of all the rain we getting it started grown sh rooms in soil so I let it dry out a lil. But now idk. Just so everyone knows this is my last I have left due to I guess deer and my fuckin cat ate all my clones... so that's I'm so worried bout this lady lol


More pics... started from bottom to top to give everyone a idea of how its spreadingfrom bottom to top. No nutrients used (If needed what do I need) no bugs leaves are clean.could my black pots be getting to hot in the sun an cause this...


good ol boy

Well-Known Member
Mix like a teaspoon of epsom salt w a gallon of water. Use this as a bug spray. Its also good for the plant has magnesium and phosphorous. Just a preventitive measure. Im not saying its bugs just a future reference
That may work, the lower leaves show a bit of mite biting, they generally move upward and shade. If outside, nice ladybugs and relateds will often clean them for you but I use safer's soap outside. The top of the plant looks nice.

Magnesium deficiencies can look like this as can heat stress. I have done something similar by adding distilled water to my plants when in a rush. The bit of damage never recovered but the new stuff wasn't harmed.


Something else I had a question about is the fact that the only branches until the top are fan leaves...I mean they look healthy In The middle an top but I've not really seen much bud on the fan leave branches in prior experiencees. Should I be worried? If u look at the big pick u might can tell...
The fan leaves usually accompany growth shoots off the main and that looks true here. I had a red dragon clone that i fim'd. Four colas and nothing else. Somehow, stress, genes, whatever, lollipopped itself. Healthy new growth is always good.
I'd guess it's from over watering, paired with some nutrient burn or some deficiency, i think it's a compound issue for sure. But easy to solve if it's not too late, just check the plant, and give it some time and light, let the water dry up properly, and then water; following the inch deep rule.


Update... thanks guys for the help. Finished transfer and I think it looks good. Anything u guys think I need let me know.. also do I need to use any nutrients for flowering? I havnt used anything at all so far. What and when if anything to finish out strong a awesome. Or should I just not worry bout it And let it go?