What's better for a HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT, A Warehouse or a Green house

Luis Otilio

New Member
I'm trying to start buiding a cannabis farm, but i want to have some recommendations. First of all I live in a Desertic zone, so I can Actually use the sun light with a little help of some lights for the plants to grow in a GreenHouse. But i can also make a Warehouse (much smaller than the greenhouse cause is expensier) and use lights to feed plants without the help of the sun.
I'm looking to grow high quality product, I mean not the best one, but just good product, so what yo recommend me? To start with a GreenHouse or a Warehouse?
skylights in a warehouse...
it just depends. a warehouse is sturdier and more secure than a green house, but it's easier to get natural light into a greenhouse (which can be a problem come flower time, if it doesn't coincide with the natural sunset time, you have to cover the whole thing to block out the sunlight, then uncover it before the next sunrise.
i too suggest that if you don't have any practical experience, that you grow at least a couple of crops out before you invest a large amount of money into either. there's a steep learning curve the first year or two you grow, if you are any good at all. you have to learn about nutrients, pests and diseases, the effects of the environment in your grow area, and how the weather outside can effect it. you have to look into lighting systems for large areas, irrigation systems, harvesting, drying, and curing the crop...you have to get a little anal about changing clothes and not wearing your outside clothes into your grow area, which can lead to pest infestation....you can't use any kind of pesticides during flower, so it's a very good idea to have physically segregated veg and flower areas....
there's a lot more to it than throwing up a building and some lights. you don't have to be this stringent about your personal grow, but when you're turning it into a business, you cannot afford to make many mistakes