What's a good organic seedling feed?


Well-Known Member
I have been trying to find info on an organic seedling feed. My seedling soil is made up of 1/3 parts ewc, peat and perlite and a bit of oyster shell flour, and they are in solo cups. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
None at all. Pretty much my seedling mix.

What is even better is used mix from after harvest, but not re-amended. Plenty of microbes and enough nutrients left for seedlings and/or freshly rooted clones.

Seedling mix for when you didn't save enough used mix.



Well-Known Member
Yup, as Wet says. nothing but water, they're delicate at this stage and the seed itself contains enough nutes for the first week after germination, the EWC should have enough nutes to get through to re-potting. Less really is more at this stage, maybe just a drop of fulvic acid, I have found that this helps germination and establishment.


Well-Known Member
My 2 seedlings are about 2 1/2 weeks old. Great information guys. Thanks a bunch!!!