Whatever happened to common sense?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
(Newser) – Today's Terrible Teacher Award goes to Laura Perry, who set her class of fourth-graders up to be pen-pals with … a convicted child molester. Lawsuits have been filed and officials are investigating the situation at Houston's Trinity Lutheran Church and School after finding out students were corresponding with Rickey R. Rowlett, who was convicted of repeated sexual assaults of a girl under 14. Perry and Rowlett are apparently family friends, and Perry told her class Rowlett was wrongly accused of the crime.

"It's very alarming," the district attorney says—and that may be a bit of an understatement, considering the kids gave Rowlett detailed information about themselves and said they wanted to meet him when he was released. Perry is no longer on staff and the principal, who allegedly knew about the pen-pal project, has been placed on administrative leave. And just when you thought the situation couldn't get worse: Students also allegedly had contact with Perry's husband, who has been charged with promoting and possessing child porn. Blake Perry, 23, may have even helped to coach soccer at the school, the Houston Chronicle reports.
OMG....."very alarming"?!! at the least. those poor kids.
I'm sorry if I can't see it, but seriously WTH kind of wishywashy pen-pal project has grade-school kids writing to sexual predator prisoners? People in prison are generally there because they are guilty of a felonious crime...maybe the non-voilent criminal can write a letter to the class in general about being good & making sure they keep their hineys outta trouble, but not individual letters...just seems inappropriate to me. Ummm did I miss the part about the parents consent for this penpal's with the prisoner? & just more ewwwww about her husband, their potential coach....I guess there is no form of background check ran for teachers at every contract renewal? I hope the county gives these kids an open door to free of charge mental & emotional therapy, no hassles. I just don't understand how adults can see anything remotely sexual or erotic or arrousing about babies, kids, tweans or teens...(well, except a couple college age fellas that work for a tree & lawn service for the mobile home park nearby. they're sexy. and they know it. & I know it too-lol) but yeah, the teacher, her hubby & a child predator pen-pal for the students, that's just sick all around. :spew:
Is it a good Idea for children to write to any type of convict regardless of offense? shouldn't they be writing to soldiers or other children at another school across the country??? keep your kids safe. stay high
The Lutheran Church is typically very conservative.....I'm quite suprised this would happen if she knew what this persons conviction was. Very suprised.

As a parent, I'd be pretty upset for sure. Damn freak was probably fap'ing it to their letters in his isolation cell they live in so the population doesn't target them.

What a sick world we live in.
That is just fucking ridiculous. I had to give all my information to the school to go on a fieldtrip, and I couldn't go because of a drug conviction. I wasn't even working at the place and they did a background check. When I got in all my trouble at 18 I had no idea it would keep me from being able to go to things with my children in the far away future. I'm 31 now, and these kids aren't mine by blood, but I love them all the same. Of course I don't have any biological children of my own but thats beside the fact.
wow...just wow...makes sense that a woman married to guy with child porno would get her 4th grade class to talk to a friendly child molester behind bars...gross...well now we know what kind of "family friend" he was...probably yet another "uncle" in the lineup
Is it a good Idea for children to write to any type of convict regardless of offense? shouldn't they be writing to soldiers or other children at another school across the country??? keep your kids safe. stay high

Exactly. Why exposé children to prisoners? Even if the guy wasn't in for sexual crimes, very bad idea. Writing to soldiers is the way to go, and I doubt anyone would argue that soldiers are not good rrole models