what would you use in a 3foot by 2 foot and 5 feet high so 5 squre feet


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what u would use a 150 250 400 w hps/mh lite i was thinking a 4oo w with cool tube to keep heat down but if this was you what would you use? ur complete setup or just the lite im just trying tofigure out everthing i should get for the next grow for this size closet:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
alright man well im gonna tell you some shit bro...i might give oyu to much info and you might get a little confused depends on how much you know.im assuming you know your shit.
well man with that space i would use a 400w and nothing less. you could use a cool tube or you can use an air cooled hood with the tampered glass cover. with the air cooled hood oyu can def keep the temps down. with the glass temered cover you cna stick a carbon filter on the one end and then an inline fan at the other pulling the air out of the chamber through the carbon filter via the inline fan. then oyu would dump all the hot air out of the growing chamber.
then have some intake but with the carbon filter you should create a negative pressure thus sucking in fresh air.also have a fan on the inside to promote strong stem growth. this will also help circulate fresh air and improve co2 numbers naturally.
def use a 400 w man that should actually be perfect as long as you can handle the heat with the cool tube or air coolable hood. so yeha man sounds good but thats what i would do bro....that and grow in soil my first grow as soil is more forgiving...oh and order and extra light as sometimes they blow and then your fucked.its good to have a backup bro.
hope i helped mane. well let me know if you need anymore help


Well-Known Member
600W cool tube would be a good choice if you think your grow area will expand in the not too distant future:peace: