what would YOU do?


Okay. so I woke up this morning and i was doing a few things in my room, well like an idiot being in the morning daze that i was in i was LSTing one of my plants in the back and I prety much snapped the main stem of one of my plants totally off :( i was pretty fuckin bummed as I dont usually make these types of rookie mistakes but being as I was tired and still groggy I gues i just bent the plant to far...Now i tried to duct tape it back together and fiured she would just ball up there like a super crop, but now im not so sure, it seems pretty limp from the break up and i really dont think its going to make it, I literally switched the lights about 3 days ago, what im asking is would you just let it go and let the 2 shoots take overfor the next 9 weeks and finish or would you start a re veg so the stems can get a little stronger and increase my yield, i figure i lost about an ounce just in that little snap :cry::cry::cry: i could easily start revegging though and make 2 shoots come up but then i run the risk of having them get to high (they are already going to be cutting it close) or should i just let it go and hope for the best?? I would love some input here, im voting on just letting it go and taking the 20 or so gram loss, mostly because my plants are pretty huge already and i really dont think i will be able to have any room to veg them higher, thanks everyone


Active Member
damn thats sorry, keep the duct tape on and see if it works like a break in super cropping, if that doesnt work after several days take that bitch off.. other than that if your running low on space anyway just keep truckin with what you got since you probably wont have enough room after reveg.. goodluck bro


Well-Known Member
Been there done that lol. It sucks but what can ya do?
I just let mine go. Seems like during the stretch it redistributed the hormones and I got more main colas.
Good Luck


yea thats pretty much what ifigured, im really really cutting it close with the height to begin with so i think im pretty much screwed here . space wouldnt be a huge problem if it wasnt for my god damn huge carbon filter above my light which takes about a foot or more up, its sort of hard to know what im talking about without a few pics, maybe ill post some in a bit so everyone can get a better idea of what im dealin with.

thanks to both of you guys, i appreciate the input +rep


Well-Known Member
I've broke main stems and usually when i do break one i take a straw and cut it to fit (about 2" ish) then slice it down the middle lengthwise and bring it around the stem and then tape loosely, yet tightly to hold it up. After a few days you'll have a gnarly knuckle on there and a really strong stem. If a straw is too small i find something similar.


yea i have before to, and i have usedtape and it worked, but im not so sure this time, i literally almost broke the sucker in half lol i tapped it up but its limp and not looking good, give me 5 and ill tykae a few pics and show ya what imean


Well-Known Member
I've fixed them with wire, twisting it in a spring shape starting above the break and ending down below it if you know what I mean. There shouldnt be any break that can't mend unless its totally in 2 pieces kind of break.


ok here are some pics of the poor little gal

i fiured i would throw some nice ones in there as well :P

ps...if you look at the one pic, notice my height dilemma?..i cant think of any where else to put my filter thouh, thers def no room on the ground lol and they are ony a few days into flower so you can imagine how much taller its going to be by the end


cob i would like to talk to you then if you think it can be fixed, the first and third pics are the break, it was literally broken in 2 pieces but it was snapped so severley that itwas pretty muchonly hanging on by the skin of the plant, like i could see down in the stalk ya know?

being that limp do you think she can make a comeback? lke i said ive supercropped before and have broken branches but never this badly, hopefully she will be alrihht, i guess we shall see

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
She looks pretty limp, but I wouldn't rule out that she could turn around. I have made this mistake before, but I was still vegging so just took the top off and let her go and height wasn't an issue. I have heard of people putting a little cloneing gel on the break, prob too late for that now. Id just let her go and hope for the best. You could raise that pot to keep an even canopy. Good luck, they look great!


thanks bomb i appreciate it, i really hope she can turn around but im not going to get my hopes up as you said it seems pretty limp to me...its not a HUGE deal or anythin as i have plenty of other tops that will take over but it was the main stem and im sure it would of produced at least 20 grams prob more so its a little disapointing, im hopin maybe the 2 below it will take over and produce 10 each and i will break even, in the long run i think i will have only lost a few grams but its still disapointing, im just mad at myself that i did that, its not like me to make that type of mistake, im more mad at myself that i did that. all i can do is hope now..


Well-Known Member
Done the same thing a few times by steping on the strings I used to tye them down. Your erly in flower so I would just place it in what ever style grow you Fo and treat it like a clone. It will root and 2 weeks later when all healthy place back to flower or use as a mom and keep veging.


well my onluproblem with going back to veg is if i do that im goin run up out of room height wise, i only switched to 12 and 12 about three days ago and if you notice they are already pretty tall im gonna be cutting it close with height as it is, anymore vertical growth ill pretty much runout of room, its mostly because i haev a huge carbon filter up top and no where else to put it ya know

the tent is pretty much packed to the point where i couldnt put anything else in there if i wanted to or tried to, thats usually the plan so i think unless it makes a turn around i think im just going to let it go and hope the branches below it take over, just sucks because that branch i broke would of easily produced almost an ounce :(

match box

Well-Known Member
I think the wire is the way to go to fix it. I would think the tape wouldn't be good for the plant.


Well-Known Member
No keep everything eles going as they are. Just veg the broken stem. Even if it's just CFL's in a closet. If you have no way to DI that call it a loss and take care of what you have.


yea, i had to move to a smaller apartment so i dont really have anymore room to put in a closet, im just goin to hope it comes back and if not just let the other branches below it take over, thanks for your help though, appreciate it


Well-Known Member
OK- If you wanted to do it, I would say heck ya that can be saved. I cant find a pic I had of fixing one but if you wanted to save it, like I said get some thin ( very thin) wire and start an inch or so above the break and spin it around the stem and keep going until you're an inch or so below the break. The best way I describe it is imagine the spring at the bottom of an ink pen. It would look kind of like that just not as close together as a spring. You may or may not need a stick in the ground and tie it off to support it if it is too heavy to hold up on its own.
I dont mean to make it sound difficult, it really isn't, but it can be saved if you want to. Consider it practice even. Some time you may have that happen with a very valuable big ole bud above it that you wouldnt want to lose.