What Would You Do???????


Well-Known Member
with a flower room that was 13'X8'9"
3 600W HPS
Soil grow.
Itsa cleen empty room.
So what do ya think? What would you do?
That all depends on you... Many things to take into account, but you have a good base to start with.
I guess I said it wrong.
I am allready building the room.
I was wondering what YOU would do with it, I am NOT asking what you think I should do with it.
I was just wondering what the great minds on this site would do?
I am working on a grow op/grow room DIY thread for later when I am done. I will post that thread later.
For now I was just wanten to see what YOU would do.
I guess noone has ever thought about what they would do with 3 sq/m of flowering space.
Am I the only one that gets blazed and daydreams about the ultimate OP.
DMG :)
i personally would have a hell of a lot more light than 3 600's in a room that size. plant numbers don't mean shit unless you've got the light to support it. if you're using an entire room you might as well use it right? i like 1000's, but if you already have 3 6's then add a few more. this is taking in consideration that you have the heat ventilation covered. and no, you most def are not the only one who daydreams about bigger and better rooms.
soo. you feel qualified to judge the response of the great minds on here because......?? some of the great minds or here would put that room to good use for their clones and mothers. VV
I dont know if I feel qualified to judge anyone...But I do feel qualified asking the question.
I wonder what you would do with it VV, youre an indoor grower.
As far as Clones and momma's they are in another room.
All Veg is done with Hortilux Blue MH (1000W)and Blue CFL(8-85 True Watters)
Cloner is a homemade one off this website. With 3 4' Flourescent Shop lights Total 6 40 watt bulbs. Supplying 2 Flowering Rooms.

I am perfectly happy with the 600 on a square metre.Lumatek Ballast, Hortilux bulb.
40 cm above plant tops. Very happy so far.

Air supply and Exhaust have been taken care of with great care.
Plant count is not what you need to worry about...Correct, what I am interested in is gram per watt...
I did not mean to offend anyone, I was just wondering what you though about redoing after your first and second and third OP's.
I am almost ready to post the build. I am still waiting on my Air Supply fan and Y's.
DMG :)
Hmmm well Id get rid of the dirt buckets and set my aeroponics up or maybe ever some 4x8 flood tables and get faster harvests with bigger nugs to start. I use 2 600 watt light on a light mover with a homemade tandem light bar for my 1 28 site aero table.so it that room being an odd size would take some designing. I usually grow in 8x8x10 rooms now adays far shame smaller then the old 70 x 50 steel building grows. I would definatley make sure the walls were flate white, have a portable a/c unit on a controlable thermostat and 2 6 burner co2 generators.You will need some large exhaust vortex inline fans some 250 lb carbon scrubbers.a couple light rails with 360 spinners to adjust light delivery.I assume all windows have been boxed in and blinds inserted on the outside so the room windows look normal and not just closed off.If there was carpet rip it out the room and plastic off the floor to help water spills. I would have 3 55 gallon water drums with a drip water system set on a timer to all the plants.Add extra door seals to make air tight room seal. Vent through the cieling to an attic exhaust 1 main line going out after scrubbed and 1 pulling new air in from out side. Have a dehumidifier on hand in the room for sure.I assume you already pulled deicated power lines from the box to the room with commercial garde outlets for power.Now power will be tricky as we know that many lights is an issue as you can just use leagl electric so another option is being used which can get you in trouble just as quick if not monitored.Make sure whoever does the umm reroute is a certifed train electricitian as thats a big fire possibility if not grounded well.This would be some of my starting points and of course making sure you have cut off all company from coming over.Not a friend, girlfriend or realative as that would make you dumb if they were allowed to come by or to have seen any of the equiptment. Good luck
Just some ideas that have been floating on my mind.

The way I look at it, if the light is off, it's wasting time being dark when it could be producing bud...or at least helping the cause.

Same with any light that is just laying somewhere, turned off, not being used.

See the attached images as that I think they explain my idea quicker than me explaining it.

The basic math on this is that it will double your light area.

If this guy is going to run 3 x 600w lights in a 13ftx9ft room, he would be getting roughly

13 x 9 = 117 sq ft

3 x 600 = 1800w

1800/117 = 15w / per sq ft

vs. this layout that would produce double, 30w per sq ft.

This system could be completely automatic with just a few diy things.

Modify a garage door motor to operate the vertical light door. That'd be placed on a timer to open prior to the lights moving which would be attached to another motor that would slide the lights to each side of the room.

Now just think about this. Have the light set so that it will travel to a point on the track system, which the end would then slide into a exhaust system?

Also, mount a row/shelf of plants on the wall. Possibly run them at an angle?

Fuck mylar. :) Line the walls with plants.

Maybe even run extended shelves out, 18-24" which would then create a walk way under the shelves to access all areas of the room?

Drip systems for the plants above.

Co2 injection from lines throughout the room etc, etc.

Go crazy.


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Couple other things.

Obviously yeah the lights would be automatically move on a 12h/12h schedule between each of the grow areas in the single room.

I just wanna throw out the other point that this "addition" would could easily be done by a quick guess of about $300ish bucks

2x4's - (10-15) @ ~$1.50 each = $15-25
sheet rock 4x8 sheets are like 5-8 bucks figure 5-6 sheets = $30-50 bucks
screws - $5 bucks for a box of 300

grand total:
$50-$80 bucks

Add in a drill, and a circular saw and a tape measure and that's all it takes to make a wall boys and girls. :)

Now keep in mind you'd want to frame around the "light door" and yada yada so you might need some more 2x4's...figure $20 extra

$100 bucks.

I'd suggest just using a piece of sheet rock as a light door and then you have tracks on each side of it, you can pickup a small garage door opener on ebay for like $30 bucks shipped.

Figure prolly no more than another $100 bucks for all of the tracks for the lights and then the light door plus lets say another $100 for 3-4 motors. (one for each of the lights)

Just some ideas.

grand total $300 bucks give or take a few :)
FUCK YEAAAAA!!!!!! Now thats what I am talking about..And I bet It took you a total of 5 mins to put that together.
As for the Hydro I would kill anything that was put on a table. and yes I have a 4x4 flood table but with the water I have here I cant use it.So hard a water softener wont help.
Yes, I finished the electricity last night. I brought in a 100 Amp box but I am only using 30 amps for the lights.
The house is so old I was afraid that I would catch the house on fire. All the fans and everything else will be run on the house circuit.
Electricity is not worth stealing in my opinion. So that wont be a problem.
Windows were all boxed in as you say.

Mr Bud, WOW. I like the paint skills far exceeding my own.
Yes the room is that big, I will only be using 3 meter's. 3 individual 4x4 area's
Granted I do have some wasted space, for the fact I will be doing all veg in other areas I will use the space to manicure and proscess the flower's
With only using the space I have mentioned I wil be getting 37.5 Watts per SQ.FT.
Not much mind you but still enough.
This is great, keep em commin, I will try to respond asap, please be patient as I am also in the middle of building the room we discuss.
That's a killer idea. I never sease to be amazed when I come to this forum. Movig lights, sheetrock and lined up exhaust. You thought of it all. Pure genious Got any Pics??
That's a killer idea. I never sease to be amazed when I come to this forum. Movig lights, sheetrock and lined up exhaust. You thought of it all. Pure genious Got any Pics??

No pics, just some idea's I've been thinking up.

I spend a lot of time tweaking and just pondering ideas.

I also try to be extremely resourceful.

I'll start working on some more detailed drawings of random ideas and see what everyone thinks.
FUCK YEAAAAA!!!!!! Now thats what I am talking about..And I bet It took you a total of 5 mins to put that together.
As for the Hydro I would kill anything that was put on a table. and yes I have a 4x4 flood table but with the water I have here I cant use it.So hard a water softener wont help.
Yes, I finished the electricity last night. I brought in a 100 Amp box but I am only using 30 amps for the lights.
The house is so old I was afraid that I would catch the house on fire. All the fans and everything else will be run on the house circuit.
Electricity is not worth stealing in my opinion. So that wont be a problem.
Windows were all boxed in as you say.

Mr Bud, WOW. I like the paint skills far exceeding my own.
Yes the room is that big, I will only be using 3 meter's. 3 individual 4x4 area's
Granted I do have some wasted space, for the fact I will be doing all veg in other areas I will use the space to manicure and proscess the flower's
With only using the space I have mentioned I wil be getting 37.5 Watts per SQ.FT.
Not much mind you but still enough.
This is great, keep em commin, I will try to respond asap, please be patient as I am also in the middle of building the room we discuss.

Why 3 areas?

You could split the entire room up into 3 areas.

1 - work station
2 - flower area #1
3 - flower area #2

Then in each flower area, you can have different zones/for plants of different ages.

It would use the lights that you have to the max, since they will never be dark, along with the fact that you wont need to explain any weird 12 on 12 off , day-to-day , schedule of a power surge to your house?...vs just a higher constant stream.

Whenever the batch of clones is ready to be flowered, throw them where they fit, and then pull the ones that are ready for harvest.
I would definatley go with a four tray sea of green. I read somewhere that a magnetic ballast uses as much power to boost up as 12 hours of light so would it be the same energywise I wonder.
Hey MrBud,
Why dont you pm me so we can talk indepth about this Idea of yours. I am interested in this.
To things I really like were the moveable wall and the exhaust docking station. totaly doable.
I havent used the space becouse I dont really need all that growing space, but lets keep talking.
I have this planned as a four tray SOG, first tray will be in the veg room, then moved to a tray in Flower room#2 with the three trays inthere we will rotate them out as harvested.
Man the more I think about that docking station Idea I just love that.

I dont really have to worry about the energy spikes as I have another Flower room on the opposite rotation one at 6pm-6am and the other at 6am-6pm

H4H,the lumatek actually uses 13% less energy to fire then the old ballast. and uses 11% less energy at it's normal operating level.
There are big discussions on the opinion that you can use a 600w Digital close enough to the plant tops that it comes close to the 1000w old style ballast.
IDK where I stand. as I have never had a 1000w hps. I have read that Lumatek has put out a new 1000w HPS Digital Ballast, so we will see.
DMG :)
We could just use this thread as a little blender of ideas.

If there is specific questions you can pm me them but I'd just like to throw out ideas and share them within the forum to hopefully get the opinions of other members and such.

I'm going to go into detail a lil bit more here and make a bunch of drawings/write ups i think :)
Actually i just thought of something else for the track system.

Use the guide rails, the type that are on like cupboards/cabinets/keyboard rolling trays/etc

You can get them for cheap in any length at most home improvement stores.

Mount those on each side of the hole you put in the center wall with the sheet to cover it.

Basically making a sliding cover.

At the top of the wall, you could install a pulley (into a stud) then run a piece of rope through that to the wall and back to a motor system..

done :)

It will slide up and be pretty light tight if you were to notch out the piece of sheet rock and you could just mount some foam that squeezes up against the ceiling as the system stops at the top.
So am I getting this right. Build a solid half wall in the middle of the room. Then there is another walf wall that goes up and down mating to it. When the timer goes off the half wall goes down allowing the lights to cruize int the other room. Then another timer goes off and the wall goes back up to block the light. Construction of this would be easy just wish I was good with little motors. I can see myself spending hours with those.