What would be the best in this situation


Well-Known Member
So after reading up on cultivation and the such over the past few years i finally squared away some space to start a little project.

the thing is, i have a closet with sliding doors (which were already removed), and i think that may cause design issues.

because of that i was thinking about buying a storage cabinet that is 71 in, by 48in by 20 3/4 in (height,width,depth), and placing it in the original space to make creating a stable environment easier.

originally i was thinking about building a small bato bucket system, but im starting to wonder if that is suffiecient space for it, and this is also my first grow so i dont want to get myself into something that i cant handle yet (i think im over confident because of reading so much shit haha)

So what kind of system do you think would be best adapted to this type of situation, do you think soil would be better for such a small grow, and what kind of lighting do you think is needed for that much space

thanks in advance
I think you have plenty of room to try whatever you want. I think the only thing you'd have to watch out for is heat and plant growth. But since you've been reading, you already know how to handle those!

Good luck and have fun!
Idk, probably, whats poly short for? hahaha.

i'm willing to experiment for sure.

Its 6mil plastic, white on one side and black on the other. Lightproof and tear resistant. Available at any hydro store.

B/W 6mil Poly 10' wide - 25' roll | Mylar/Reflective Coverings

As far as the system you choose in there, I am in the same size sapce except my height is 8' I am using an 8 site aero set up, and I just started a 6 site DWC in the same space.
so if i was to use those poly sheets to cover where the doors would be, how would i attach it to allow access and to keep light out?

sorry the concept just confuses me, i wish the closet was just a normal one instead of a piece of shit sliding door closet .
you could cut a piece measuring the outside of your closet about the size of the mouldings. if they are present. if not about two inches beyond the edge of the sides and top of the closet. cut it this big and then place it on the inside door opening. fold it over at the sides about one inch and place a piece of duct tape there you will staple it to the opening. id say one about evey 18 inches and make sure you do the top every 12 inches. they sell zippers for this application in hardware stores or online. you put it on and then cut a hole to open it for access to your grow area. you should also line the floor by placing a piece in to cover the floor and about six inches high. i like to do this just in case water spills out. and always put the electric stuff above the six inches. i have this setup ion my closet and it keeps all the light out. if you have a strong enough exhaust fan you wont get any odor seepage. if you wanted to, additionally you can duct tape the poly to the interior doorframe as well to seal it for good. good luck.:joint::peace::blsmoke: