what water to use!?


Well-Known Member
im not sure if i should use drinking water (new bottled), sink water that has gone through a water softner, or straight from the hose which is well water. whats best :confused:


Well-Known Member
Of the three you mention the best one would be the drinking water. Softened water will kill your plant. Well water often has too high of a ph. Using drinking water will get expensive over time. VV


Elite Rolling Society
I used my well water, it is 6.4 all the time, but did have some minerals in it, but it worked fine.


Well-Known Member
I used plain tap water left for 2 or 3 days for the chlorine to evaporate. I PHed once during my entire grow and it was fine and I never bothered PHing again. FYI, I never PHed my soil, even though I have a tester.


Active Member
Im with HearmeNow on this one except to speed up chlorine evap' (and to hopefully add more oxgen) i put an old hydro grow air pump to bubble through it.

i checked Ph during veg stage a couple of times in the first few weeks and havent checked since and im now in flowering


Well-Known Member
I have a filter on my sink faucet that makes good drinking water? I don't know if my water is soft or hard but once it's filtered most of that is gone, I believe. So if I take that filtered water and let it sit for a day or two is it most likely good enough for my plants? I don't really want to test the ph.