what type of water should i use?


Active Member
I was wondering the best type of water to use? I am in the middle of my first grow and I think I am having some ph issues. I live in southern ca which has very hard water so i figured using straight tap water wouldnt be good for my plants. I have been using bottled water that has been purified by ozonation, advanced filtration, and reverse osmosis. I have also used a brita water filter to water my plants occasionaly when i run out of bottles. I havent tested the ph level yet but I will tomorrow when I get some ph tester paper. But I have heard that I can mix my tap water with my purified water. If so then this would cut down my costs on bottled water and the brita filter. also what is the ideal ph level for the water?


Well-Known Member
rain water? will that work?

And if you don`t mind the extension, do you need to use differents ph waters at different stages of development?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Please note that the fellow above who recomended 5.8 as the "best" ph gave you the proper ph for hydroponics but not soil. IF you are growing in soil your waters ph should range between 6.2 to 6.8. I just don't want you to ph your water too low if you are growing in soil.

Ph should remain constant throughout the grow. No need for different levels at different stages. Hope this helps you out some. :)


Active Member
I want to be honest and give you honest advice! please listen I am a big fan of Brita it removes 99% of hard minerals. if you want to cut down on your cost just use britta there is no need to go ph crazy! the more you try and adjust the ph you will have more fluctations inph as the plants use minerals SO Please just stay with your britta! these plants are very tolerant of ph and hardness of water. I have never once used any distilled ro nothing but tap water. the plants will adapt to the water use what they need to grow its natural. just if you start with then finish with britta it will save you time and money


Well-Known Member
I agree with left. I have a Pur 2 stage dispenser. Fill it up top, then it filters to the bottom. It consistantly keeps my water at 6.4 $30 at Target. Weel worth it.