What type of soil to use??


Hey all,

I am beginning a new grow (Blackberry strain) and looking for suggestions for a type of soil that is easy to find in Canada and also suitable for pot. Any help would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I use pro-mix its made in canada works great. but its a soilless mix so you need to add all your nutrients any hydro nutes will do you can even use cheaper nutes in it.


Well-Known Member
just make sure the soil you get have a PH that suits weed (between 6 and 7 PH)

thats the most important thing IMO, many cheap "super market" soil have to much peetmoss and have a PH that is a bit to acid 5,5-6,2
witch can/will give you problems all grow with nutrients uptake aso.

tho some Lime (Dolomit or Mearl) can be used to correct it ..

beside the right PH you want a light airy soil mix, Perlite or even Lega/hydro nuts/stones can be used, I also like to mix some coco in to my SS to make it light and airy, weed like a soil that drain well, roots dont like to stand in wet soil all the time ..

there is also another choise, pure coco, I like it, come in blocks so not that expensive to order online and can be reused a few times, specially if you get a flushing agent (cheap) and flush it before reusing, come close to hydro and can give very good results, but you need to find out how your plant/strain like it and add all the nuts and micros yourself, coco is clean and don't hold nutrients like soil do, but then agin its easy to correct if your PH is of (best PH in Soil 6-7 PH in coco 5,8-6,2)