What type of screen blocks light in between PC fans?


Well-Known Member
I have to be 100% LIGHT TIGHT!

Also, what type of vent do I use for the intake hole? It's 4" in diameter.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
black nylon prolly i just have black plastic covering it at an angle so it lets air out from the bottom side but blocks light


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Well-Known Member
There is no kind of screen that will be light tight. If air can go through so can light.

Thats the bad news.

The good news is that light traps are easy to build out of common materials.

A piece of cardboard box, some duct or masking tape and some flat black spray paint are all that is needed.

Construct a box with a set of baffles (at least 2 90 degree bends) in it so that air can come around the baffles but the light cannot.

Connect the box to the outside wall either inside or outside.

Here is a pic of a light trap that I built into a hatch cover. You won't need one that big for a computer fan but I hope you get the idea.



Well-Known Member
If you have access to old computers try getting some ducting that connects to the fan system. Dell has some nice green ones that work great after a little modding. I am not sure what other manufacturers use since I only purchase Dells.


Well-Known Member
What kpw555 said! But those pix really don't help explain much, bro! The trick is to let the "Light Trap" act as a passive intake and have another one on the end of your exhaust duct. Cardboard and duct tape work just fine, "Black-board resurfacing paint" really sucks up the light! The idea is to get the air flowing through a long, narrow, slit and channal it through a series of "S-turns" to "eat up" all the light. Paint the insides with, at least, flat black paint. This sucker works - ZERO LIGHT - trust me!


Well-Known Member
+ rep to kpw555 & T.H.Cammo

Everything worked out for me with those traps. Waiting for the paint to dry now!

Thanx again to all yall!


Well-Known Member
Well, not 100%! Theres a little light seeping out the back. So what I'll do (since I already painted the inside), is repeat this same method on the outside of the box. However, what do I do for the exhaust of the cool tube? Theres a fair share of light glowing the closet. lol Also, temps are not sdupposed to reach no higher than what?


Well-Known Member
Hee Hee, glad I never have to do anything over :lol:

Light just can't turn corners very well. If you stop reflections with black paint you can get light tight.

I wish I would have taken pics of mine when I made it. That would have made the explanation pretty easy.

An s turn in ducting does effectively the same thing, but it usually takes up more space. Still needs painted.