What to make with marshmellows?


Well-Known Member
we have a bag of marsh mellows, but... idk what to make with them. we have no cereal to make rice crispies... fuck and i got a sweet tooth


Well-Known Member
plain marshmellows give me a headache, idk why they always have. even flavored marshmellows or stuff with marshmellow in it will give me a headache if i eat a certain amount of it... so making a dish with them helps me portion it out into head ache free portions


Well-Known Member
just shove them all in your mouth and fucking eat the whol bag.

then fucking eat that coco powder. drink a gallon of milk as fast as you can.

take a running head start outside and jump over your fence like fucking red nose the reindeer.

:i don't know:


Well-Known Member
woot woot.
racerboy, that cake takes two days to make, and has alot of gourmet ingrediants... however, that shit was book marked cause its gonna be made by me at some point in time, it looks hella bomb


Well-Known Member
S'mores of course.

I love getting high and watching marshmallows toast over a candle in bed. Mmnn... Sticky.

I lol at how 90% of marshmallows... Don't have marshmallow in them XP


New Member
Feed em to your dog, mine goes crazy for them. Drooling and everything he'll snatch it so fast you'd think he was going to bite you