What to expect from your first mushroom trip/use

Depends how much you take. It can get so intense all you can do is close your eyes and watch the colors and patterns in ur head. You can't speak, you can't connect with any material items in the world....or it can be this saturday morning kaleidoscope of fun giggly feelings and everything is just one fun event after another with very little impact on functionality. I don't know the types, i had a friend handle that shit for me, he knew all the names and stuff. the closest weed thing i can think of is the lightest shroom trip i had was like a very intense hash high that wasn't as eye closing body heavy.
Lol enjoy is my advice one of my best trips ever & I had many never really smoked dried mushrooms always felt it was a waste lol the memories of being young fucking brilliant days they were. Everyone one is different my advice to anyone who has never tried a trip is always be in a good frame of mind before taking it.
Have always said I'd love to try them but have someone who's not after taking them look after me. Knowing my luck I'd be that one fucker thinking I could fly and jumping off a bridge.
There’s no words for psychedelics.

you’ll almost definitely get some type of cubensis, I would take 1.5g. Normal dose is usually 3-4g.

wait an hour, then put on some headphones and lay in the dark.

my first trip I was just excited to see some crazy colors or whatever, but when it kicked in the way it lets your mind work is so profound the hallucinations seem pretty trivial.

I think everybody should take a couple grams and sit in the dark when they’re like 17. World would be a better place.
I didn't get shit! Aside from queasy. I did feel like maybe I had smoked too much weed then when I closed my eyes. No color, no swirls, definitely no giggles, all I saw were two darker than black pits. And I felt inexplicably angry. Definitely not what I was expecting. This was on 1 dry gram of penis envy.
The first hour of a trip is usually uncomfortable for me. It's the come up before the trip, heavy body load, zero energy and a little bit of anxiety before the actual tripping begins. Once I'm tripping, other than sweaty palms, the rest goes away.

Sounds like you needed to eat more @Johiem
I didn't get shit! Aside from queasy. I did feel like maybe I had smoked too much weed then when I closed my eyes. No color, no swirls, definitely no giggles, all I saw were two darker than black pits. And I felt inexplicably angry. Definitely not what I was expecting. This was on 1 dry gram of penis envy.
If you want colors and trippy stuff, you could go with 4 grams and buckle up for a decent time! Just be safe!
Shrooms have always been super fun for me. I havent had any for a long time, but i used to eat them whenever they came around in my late teens to early twenties. My experiences were always happiness and laughter. I always felt like I had a telepathic connection with my tripping friends......and animsls too. The next day my abs would be sore from laughing so hard.
you cant go wrong with liberty caps, you can buy the growing kits online. ive had many a great time on liberty's, we used to take them and go for a walk for miles in any old direction and see where we ended up, loads of fun trippy nights under a full moon trippin and walking.
we came across a field of sunflowers once, that was a great trip.
but you can equaly have a great time staying indoors listening to good music and laughing with friends or on your own, allways fun weith friends in my opinion.
they grow fresh in my garden and the 7 1/2 acres of land we have, lots of sheep, loads of shroomy dooms
I couldn't explain the effects sort of like I couldn't explain being drunk but ecstasy and euphoria would be key words :-)

50-70 magics (psilocybin semilanceata) will give you a good trip/effect but not too intense, if you're up for it and in good company you'll have a great time.
I've got a lot of great memories from my magic mushroom days..

Good to know
I'd rather go lighter and go for a walk in the woods with close friends. I don't want a bad trip. I recently had a terrible experience with edibles. Partially my fault Partially their fault for not explaining the strength of them.
Oh well lesson learned.

What mushroom strain would be best?
psilocybin semilanceata?