What To Do?


Active Member
Well, to make this quick, a few months ago I purchased a plant from a friend, prior to finding this site. I knew nothing and still know very little, we have been cloning this plant and just put it into bud and have releized what we think is a male. We have two clones doing exceptional, and the one plant that is budding. We also have five seedlings growing that are roughly 6 inches tall. What I am wondering is, is should I hack up the male and get him out of the picture, OR save him and wait for a shit load of seeds. The five seedlings we have are just of bag seed so they are nothing special. I know males are useless other than seeds so is it worth jepordizing the five seedlings we have to get a boat load of new seeds?


Well-Known Member
Depends what you want. Instead of hacking up the male why not just move him away from the other plants? That way you have both ... plants and seeds.


Active Member
Well ths is an indoor grow in a single closet and everything is set up pretty well and a pretty big pain to move, will the pollen effect the seedlings even though they are so young?
Why give up yield to make seeds from an untested male crossed with untested bagseed girls? You can always get some more bagseed if you feel like playing genetic roulette with your next grow.

Get rid of the males now.


Well-Known Member
definitely get them out of there. and pollen can travel for miles, so unless you moved it across town, it would fuck up a batch rather ncely