What to do with the leaves


Well-Known Member
well, I did some defoliating early flowering and gave a bag to my bro in laws mates, but then again they smoke banana leaves or something too!


Well-Known Member
Well there's a big difference between the fan leaves and the sugar leaves. I just harvested and I cut the fan leaves first and discarded. Then saved all the trimming for making edibles or some type of hash here shortly.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know the sugar leaves are potent, but I don't know how nor do I think I'd be inclined to make hash. I'm sure someone will gladly take em.


Active Member
I always save the popcorn buds and nice trim for either butter or for my girlfriend to vape when the buds run out.(I don't smoke anymore save for one or two hits to try my hard work when its ready) If you have a vaporizer i'd suggest keeping it to vape...


New Member
I run perpetual grow, harvest weekly and totally believe in proper defoliation. The only waste from my grow is the stocks and medium. I juice greens daily, turn my sugar leaf into meds(oil). The benefits to the perpetual is I have a daily supply of greens to juice and nothing goes to waste. Its been a year since my cancer went into remission the juicing was and is a major player in keeping me cancer free.


Well-Known Member
I,ve made BHO, hash, butter etc from sugar leaves. All good stuff.
If you're just going to grind them and smoke, they seem to be better after a long cure.


Well-Known Member
I am making glycerin tincture from popcorn and sugar leaf trim. Throwing away the good trim is crazy. You dont have to make hash. You could make butter/oil or tincture (alcohol or glycerin). Even hash doesnt have to be difficult. A dry screen or isopropyl extraction is simple and produces good hash.

The fan leaves get put into a big brown paper leaf bag and disposed of discreetly. The bag is biodegradable so I just drop the whole thing somewhere to compost.


Well-Known Member
Google who? Oh, maybe us! In which case your answer is.........hmmmmm.
Rodney, you plonker!


Active Member
whatever you do, definitely dont grind them up and add them in for fill, that is just super shady and wrong (assuming you are selling, if its for personaly its not wrong, just gross).

make extracts then compost.


Well-Known Member
I have a whole load stored in my freezer. I will be throwing them out soon. Should have done that to start with.