What to do with males?


So I started flowering and found out that out of 11 plant at least 5 are males. Now what should I do with them?


Well-Known Member
If you are 100% sure, REMOVE THEM NOW.

But if you are a beginner at growing, which you undoubtedly are, you are more inclined to mistaking a slow developing female for a male. I've done it. We've all done it.

If you just started flowering though, you do have a grace period, roughly 10-14 days. Then the first few pollen sacs will open and fertilize those few virgins you do have. Not a good thing.

But if you're 100% sure, as in you see little apples-on-a-stick doubling up around the nodes, remove em.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
depends if it is a good strain I would bag the pollen or plant when the sacks open and pollinate another plant (controlled of course) If I did not know about growing, I would pull it, unless you want small female buds with seeds


Active Member
if you know where the seeds came from they could be quite valuable. what strain are they?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd chop them and ditch 'em or use 'em for fertilizer.(I'd ditch 'em) You could also make them into hash, but don't expect much. It's also alot of work for maybe a gram per plant, and that's a high estimate for the quality stuff. IMO there isn't enough THC in them to be worth the effort. :)