What to do, what to do?


Well-Known Member
im gonna be harvesting soon and had a question. should i not give the plants any water for the last few days and no light? or just no water? or just no light?


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
OK!!!! just calm down :mrgreen: your gonna be fine my friend, what you need to do is water with just ph'd water for the last 2 weeks before you harvest just to flush out any nutrient build up or anything like that. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Im Already Doing That! But I Read That You Can Either Not Give The Plants Water Or Light Or Both?, The Last Few Days So It Uses All The Nutrients That Would Be Left. Im Just Trying To Get The Facts Of This Method If Anyone Knows About It? Thanks


Well-Known Member
i have heard that turning off the lights for a few days prior to harvest "forces" the platns to produce more resin and thc.... but i have never tried it


Well-Known Member
if it were ME. water the 2nd to last week, maybe a flushing solution the last week, or still just water.
and i would just keep the lights like you have them


jay cas

Well-Known Member
the reason you dont water for the last 4 days or even a week is to stop water intake before harvest. it speeds up dry time.... actually its like a head start to drying

turning the lights out will help in the production of thc glands but only minutly. i dont recomend doing this because it heightens the risk of mold growth, your so close why risk it