what to do...what to do..


Active Member
Ok..so heres the deal. About 3 weeks ago I planted 2 seeds from bag seed. One died bc I picked it up to water and it fell over..lol I know I know. I have 1 bag seed plant left. During the 2nd week of growing this bag seed I decided I wanted to order some low ryder fem, since I'm growing in a very small place and I wanted to ensure I had at least 1 female. Heres the problem. The bag seed is way older than the lowryder...its prolly about 6-7" tall and the lowryder is about 3"tall...so today I noticed the bag seed plant is burnt on one leaf. It was to close to the lights. My problem is, I don't want to raise the lights to high bc I want the lowryder to be short and bushy not tall and skinny. What can I do? I was thinking maybe set up another area for the lowryder to grow and just induce flowering early for the bag seed, as I don't know if its female anyway.. Help :wall:


Well-Known Member
top it then supercrop it.. it will increase ur yeild, keep it low and create an even canopy so ul nvr have this problem... or jus make a nice bend when others get to high.. that will inrease density to that cola and slow the growing so the others can catch up... theres 12 sog clones there like u see and 7 plants like the 1 in the pic... its all 1 height



Well-Known Member
this is the best thread ull find on here... its huge but it has every QnA imagineable on here... even 1's u may not think of... its sumthin u wanna do in veg so the nodes above ur bends will grow verticaly into tops jus make sure to give it ateast 1 week(try for 2 weeks) b4 u flower so the shoots start to grow upwards... try to top it first so u get mor branches to bend down, more branches=more bud.. this will also fill empty gaps in ur room and utilize the lights u pay hydro for..


Active Member
Kinda scared to supercrop it lol. I guess I'll go ahead and top and supercrop it


Active Member
lol...I can't believe you asked this question.....Look, you ordered a lowryder plant....you WANT to keep the lights up a bit, you WANT the lowryder to stretch. Don't worry about it closing its nodes, itll be JUST fine.lol. You also need to keep a strict 24 hr light regime, and as soggbunn said , top and supercrop.


Well-Known Member
Um, I thought lowryders were naturally shorter than most other plants anyway? I mean, isn't that why they're called "lowryder"?


Active Member
haha whats up doob!, ima go with doob on this one =) lol its a strain that doesnt grow tall, alot of people like to do this strain in a pc, cab, stealth grows cus its suppose to stay small. Dont get it twisted though cus im pretty sure you can grow any strain pretty tall if you got the space and time along with patience! =)


Active Member
yea I guess that was pretty stupid on my part, I am a noob you know :) ..but I really just needed to know how to slow the growth or make my bag seed plant shorter and I got my answer. Thanks for all the help..I could do without the attitude though...seasmoke..


Well-Known Member
Kinda scared to supercrop it lol. I guess I'll go ahead and top and supercrop it
its all good.. its scarey at first but well worth it... ill put 100% garuntee that u will damage ur plants and thats ok... what doesnt kill u makes u stronger... mine split like bananas, ude call the cops on me for abuse if u saw what i do to them... it will heal... good luck if u go threw this process... if done rite, u can see what u can achieve


Active Member
Thanks for all the help..I could do without the attitude though...seasmoke..
I wasn't giving you an attitude, at least I wasn't trying to.....I didn't call you stupid either. That being said, I will apoligize.

Your Lowryder will be short...unbelievably short, you should have no problems keeping them low, even if you raise the lights. They typically get 16-20 inches tall. Great for SOG. In my post above, I was referring to being able to maximize the veg time and max your yield.

If supercropping scares you a bit, you could try LSTing(low stress train) the older bagseed plant. I do it to most of my plants, and it controls the height pretty well, with alot of colas.

One other suggestion, don't sex the Lowryder(I know you ordered fem. seeds, but you never know)leave them under 24 hr lighting, once they flip there's no turning back, they'll flip naturally and exp under 20-4. Sex the bagseed separately, at least it should easily return to veg state.

Hope that helps, no hard feelings, and good luck with your grow.


Active Member
I wasn't giving you an attitude, at least I wasn't trying to.....I didn't call you stupid either. That being said, I will apoligize.

Your Lowryder will be short...unbelievably short, you should have no problems keeping them low, even if you raise the lights. They typically get 16-20 inches tall. Great for SOG. In my post above, I was referring to being able to maximize the veg time and max your yield.

If supercropping scares you a bit, you could try LSTing(low stress train) the older bagseed plant. I do it to most of my plants, and it controls the height pretty well, with alot of colas.

One other suggestion, don't sex the Lowryder(I know you ordered fem. seeds, but you never know)leave them under 24 hr lighting, once they flip there's no turning back, they'll flip naturally and exp under 20-4. Sex the bagseed separately, at least it should easily return to veg state.

Hope that helps, no hard feelings, and good luck with your grow.
Sry I guess I took it the wrong way. Would it hurt the bagseed to keep it under 24 hour lighting? Atm the lights are set at 18-6.