eat laffy taffy during peak! lol.. or starbursts.. it just really depends on how i feel before i trip.. i like to trip by myself in my room with the black lights on, some shpongle or other psychedelic technoish stuff on the surround sound, i bought a bunch of glow in the dark paint and painted pictures on my wall.. really neat to get up on it and fry lol...walkin around town trippin isnt bad, but i live in a town with 6,000 people so not much to worry about. being driven around can be fun but sketchy at the same time lol. and being outside in the day time tripping is totally different than night for me. im also into poi, well, glow poi, i cant do fire, but buying glow sticks can be extremely entertaining! but i wouldnt have them with you in the car or anything to cause unwanted attention. dress to fit the weather before you trip, because you could have body temp changes. so dont over dress, and dont eat a whole bunch. you may not be able to piss/shit til after the trip anyways. and dont drink much alchohol if you do. drink water!