What to do about my hermie


So yesterday I found out my plant is a hermie. I would like to know if I can just cut off the male areas and continue to grow. I am growing it out regardless. It is my only plant. But if I can keep it from self pollinating I will. What have others done? Again, it is my only plant so it cannot pollinate anyone but itself.


Active Member
might as well keep growing it, i would pluck off the male flowers, but make sure you spray them with a little water first. wet pollen is useless


I would prefer not to pollinate them. Is there a use for the pollen sacks? If not I just dump them in my yard debris.

Got ya. Spray them than remove them so not to pollinate. Sucks big time.



Well-Known Member
Since, you already decided to keep IT going. Castration is the only solution.
Good luck on your finish.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I would not only let it grow, but keep some pollen and pollinate some other female---hopefully of the same strain and pollinate it...hermies are bad and all that...but feminized seeds are nice too, and as I figure all hermies do is give you feminized seeds...and giving that pollen to a different female from another strain might even be better...who knows...just dont keep breeding the same plants together over and over and over...the first few times it seems like you get all of the best things the strain can offer, but after a few generations it starts to go really really downhill...one of my friends grows outdoors and 8 years ago his stuff was killer, but he would keep growing out seeds he would get when a plant or 2 would hermie out on the mountaintop...and he kept using those seeds and they kept turning hermie and he kept using them and now his weed is gross...so he bought some new seeds...as his had become too inbred to be useful any longer...terrible terrible weed ensued..then again he has been crossbreeding the same seeds for 15 years or more...so it took awhile for everything to go south...but it does indeed go south...