What the hell?!


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a bunch plants goin and the ones that are a couple weeks to a month younger than my 5ft'er, 4ft'er and 3ft'er are already showing signs of sex(FEMALES!!) and my big babies arent that much at all
It kind of makes me wonder because why are all my smaller and younger ones already showing much more distinct signs? whats up with that?
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Well-Known Member
I got 1 flowering.and 5 that only recently started showing, all the same age...don't sweat it.. Some show early..as long as they're healthy...


Well-Known Member
Very true...One other question is that on some i can see the nice long white pistils and on some others are very short and kind of greenish/whitish looking hairs..and dont even have a calyx or its really super small . what could this mean? ill try n post some pics later when i get a charger...


Well-Known Member
pics would b best but long as no balls dont panic yet.have you got different breeds
this may account for it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah theres about 3-4 different strains im pretty sure so that might be it...its wierd though because it doesnt look like the calyx's that are on my other plants and like i said the pistils are greenish/whitish and REALLY small..


Active Member
I think it depends on the strain as well. They all have different characteristics. I wouldnt sweat it. Just keep giving them love, and they will return the favor. =)