What the hell is wrong with my plant!!


Active Member
This is a purple urkle x white widow. It has been flowering for 30 days now. The fan leaves are yellowing and getting crispy. It is in ocean forrest soil and fed fox farm grow and big bloom @ 75% recomended dose every other watering. I have not started bloom nutes yet because she looked a lil yellow soon after I put her in the flowering tent. Should i go full strength grow nutes one more time before introducing flower nutes? Or is this girl hungry for something else? None of my other plants in the tent is doing this.



New Member

NITROGEN (N) Pale plants, red stems, smaller growth. Rapid yellowing of lower leaves progressing up the plant. Add any chemical fertilizer containing N. Treated plants recover in about a week.

PHOSPHORUS (P) Slow or stunted growth, red stems. Smaller leaves that are dark green. Lower leaves yellow and die. Add chemical fertilizer containing P. Affected leaves will not show recovery but new growth will apear normal.

POTASSIUM (K) Affected plants are usually tallest and appear to be most vigorous. Necrotic spots form on lower leaves. Red stems. Leaves appear pale or yellow. Add chemical fertilizer containing K.

CALCIUM (Ca) Lack of calcium in the soil results in the soil becoming too acid. This leads to Mg or Fe deficiency or very slow stunted growth. Treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomatic lime per quart of water until condition improves.

SULFER (S) Plants suffering from S definciencies exhibit yellowing of new growth. Mix one tablespoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water until condition improves.

MAGNESIUM (Mg) Lower leaves yellow and may even turn white while veins remain dark green. Blades die and curl upward.

IRON (Fe) Leaves on growing shoots turn pale and veins remain dark green. pH imbalances make iron insoluble. Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Fe or rusty water.

MANGANESE (Mn) Necrotic and yellow spots form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn.

BORON (B) Growing shoots turn grey or die. Growing shoots appear burnt. Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid (sold as eyewash) per gallon of water.

MOLYBDENUM (Mb) Yellowing of middle leaves. Foliar feed with chemical fertilizer containing Mb.

ZINC (Zn) White areas form at leaf tips and between veins. Occurs in alkaline soils. Zn deficiency can be treated by burying galvanized nails in the soil. Chemical fertilizer containing Zn can also be used.

OVER FERTILIZATION Causes leaf tips to appear yellow or burnt. To correct soil should be flushed with three gallons of water per one gallon of soil.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Classic Cal/Mag deficiency. I had it my first couple of grows. Just get some Cal/Mag and feed every other watering. The dead shit won't come back, but new growth will look good. Use Cal/Mag when you fip them from now on.



New Member
Yes lack of the element. Thats when the most trouble happens 12/12 changeover. It seems like Ive been telling everyone to use it lately. I was just using epsom salt because that has magnesium in it but shit kept going down hill. It took me a while to realize the lack of calcium was keeping the plant locked out.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
They can stand a pH fluctuation between 6.5 and 7.5 without much issue with lock out. You should have the SOIL pH at about 6.8 so that it will buffer anything going into it. I have a journal entry on getting the pH of your soil.

Hey everyone,
I'm doing my first CFL grow of a Big Bang Autoflower from GHSC.
I first detected a calcium deficiency so i gave it some crushed eggshells in the soil.
However it has not helped much and it is still getting worse.
the leaves that are affected smell like hay and its not too nice.
I think i will go one or two weeks more into flowering.. unless you guys can advice me differently.
I use some basic nutes for any type of plant. I use one that is NPK 7-3-7 and the other is PK 4-6.
If you could help me that would be awesome.