What the FUCK!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm using earth juice and its doing the same thing, i've been told 1.) over watering, cant be, i water 3 cups per pot every 3-4 days only when pot is completely dry 2.) told over nuting, cant be either, only giving 1/3 dose, 1 tsp of bloom per gallon, then 1 cup per plant every 2 weeks, 3) told it was undering nuting, cant be, started 1 tblsp. to gallon,was to much, went to lower dose 4.) told it was soil, but its now happening ina different soil, my ph of my water is between 5.0 and 6, flush water is 6, still cant figure it out


Active Member
Ok, I'm not sure what kind of lights you guys are using but the instruction on all hydro nutes is for a standard 1000 watt light. If you're using anything less then a 1000Watt light, you are overfeeding with the bottle instruction dose.


Active Member
I'm not sure but I think we are both using soil... I have about 4-6 weeks to go I hope the'll make it. Growth does not seem to be affected as of yet.


Well-Known Member
i'm using a 400 hps right now, i am getting a 1000 next week, thanks shakebake, how do you know that?


Well-Known Member
my last crop i watered everyday, and even this one through veg, turned yellow, i was told that i was over watering, that i should be waiting for the soil to dry, but i think what shake said makes sense. sorry to hi jack your thread deco


Active Member
my last crop i watered everyday, and even this one through veg, turned yellow, i was told that i was over watering, that i should be waiting for the soil to dry, but i think what shake said makes sense. sorry to hi jack your thread deco
don't worru about it dude. I also have a 400 HPS going but I'n not getting a 1000 anytime soon, so what should I do?


Well-Known Member
mine are 4 weeks into flowering, and my other crop did it right b4 flowering,it was kinda kool looking, every leaf on the plants 'cept fer the buds were banana yellow, and the buds were green with purple hues, so until i can figure something out, i just went back to my normal watering and feedings .....bongsmilie..


Active Member
mine are 4 weeks into flowering, and my other crop did it right b4 flowering,it was kinda kool looking, every leaf on the plants 'cept fer the buds were banana yellow, and the buds were green with purple hues, so until i can figure something out, i just went back to my normal watering and feedings .....bongsmilie..
yeah i'm also into the 4th week but 2 plants are very nice and green I want to figure this out before my next grow.


Active Member
try upping your ph to 6.5-6.8 I feed at 6.8 and have none of these problems, and my out water from the pot is 6.1.


Sector 5 Moderator
I've got a thread on here about something that I read recently but can't find it and can't remember exactly what it said. At some point near the end of flowering, the pH needs of the plant flip and you need to add pH up if I remember correctly. I'll see what I can find or maybe someone knows and will answer my thread and I'll post a link to it here for you. I know that the fan leaves start turning yellow at about 4-6 weeks because the plant doesn't need them anymore (or not much anyway). They are putting the energy into the buds and dropping the fan leaves since they don't need them anymore. There is an enormous amount of energy stored inside a plant. Maybe it's nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
hey PP...I'd be real interesed in seeing that if you can find it....I am into week 5 on my gro right now and this might be useful info...thanks!


Sector 5 Moderator
I can't search anything on here because it always tells me I don't have enough damn words. WTF??? We can't search key words? I will keep looking tho.