What temp under vac?


Well-Known Member
I am going to be trying to make bho. I have read and watched a plethora of material out there. I would like a taffy, amber product that isn't rock hard, more oily. I planned on doing the double boil heat purge with water at 105 degrees.

Now after I let that settle and go to vacuum purge, what should I put the temp of the heat mat on under the vacuum chamber? Do I even need to add heat? Sorry just having trouble getting this answer.


Well-Known Member
The surface of the oil should be 115° tops.

The oil must be molten (soft) enough for the solvent to escape the surface tension of the oil.

Spread very thin into parchment, super thin is key.

Place into room temp chamber, turn the pump on and set heat to 100° at first.

Let the pump run for 20 minutes or so, watching for over-muffining.

The oil will grow up to 10-15 x it's original size when she muffins.

After 20 minutes or so, check to see if your oil is reacting ( bubbling action).

If it's not pulling bubbles and popping on top of itself, the oil is not molten enough.

Try 110°, check for reaction.

Temps are VERY important .

Just as an example of how important temps are.

A mere 2° will turn water into steam.

The real target number is 117° in a vacuum.

I always post 115°, but usually 117° is my ” magic” temp.

I don't really know, I think it correlates with THC's melting point in a vacuum.

Any how, once you've established a continuous boiling action, continue for about 1 hour or until the large random sized bubbles cease, and even, equally sized smaller fizzy bubbles begin to appear.

At this point, I like to flip the patty.

Turn your temps up to 120 ish, and flip the patty, try to stretch it a little bit when flipping, walt until your oil surface reads 120° turn the pump back on for 20 more minutes.

The reaction will start over again, but the flip and increase in temps...pops the solvent bubbles in rapid succession.

After the reaction stops, shut your pump off and let the oil ” relax” in the chamber for 10 minutes.

Hope this helps.

Oh, avoid folding, or any agitation, unless you are wanting wax.