What system?


Well-Known Member
What would be the best system to use for a 4-plant system to grow in a closet maybe with a 400 watt HPS, no price limit.
Opinions, facts?


Well-Known Member
I am currently doing a soil grow, but I have recently looked into the DWC system. Its a really easy hydro system, check google (DWC, bubbleponics, Deep water culture). Basically you grow your plants in a tub with a lid and use a fish tank air pump to oxegynate the water (make it bubble). For growing 4 plants this system would be perfect 1 resevoir would hold 4 plants no sweat. Let me know how you go.... make sure you search google.



Well-Known Member
i dont know what type of seeds should i use, i was thinkin bout using feminized seeds from nirvana and growing them in pebbles rather than soil, or starting out on papaya


Well-Known Member
Man seeds dont matter for oyur first time people use bagseed but if oyur gonna put some money into it check out greenhouse seed on attitudeseedco.
oh and just use soil if its your first grow cause like with any hydro like dwc there are to many ways you can mess up your first grow.soil has a little bit more room for errors. then move up as you get the experience down ya know bro....and if you got a small space check out scrog i think its better than sog and offers more final weight bro!


Well-Known Member
stovedro makes a good point regarding soild soom for error. I would suggest using dope-seeds.com. I got 10 feminized seeds from them in 1 week and I live in New Zealand. Also depending on the accesability to his closet, a screen of green might get in the way. I am currently doing a trial on my plants I have 2 lstd, 2 topped, 2 fimmed and 2 left alone. Ill let you know what I find regarding which gives a better yield.

Hey stovedro, wat are some of the basic things one could mess up on their first DWC, it looked pretty easy to me?


Well-Known Member
im actually guna try a 6 plant drip hydro system gota invest in the 400 watt hps and mh lamps and carbon filter, got everything else

within the next month I'll start growing feminized Snow White ;-)


Well-Known Member
geranamo- well i know a person who grew using many different ways starting with soil. he said that one of the biggest things is dwc works best with low temps and i know with a closet grow that temps could possibly become a problem as we all know temps can make your grow a pain. Also some dwc with the rubbermaid containers and the buckets you may have to change the water or lift it up for some reason and think with a full grown plant on the lid and you have to lift it up for some odd reason how much of a pain in the ass that will be. and some dwc kits lift the plant up more than it would be in a pot but all hydro is like this and with height limits that may take precious maximum height from your plants.
a drip system is some alright shit bro. im thinking of that to. i was also looking in the hydro with slabs.i dont know much about it as when i started to look it up i got really fucking busy bro but i might have some time tonight and ill refresh my memory and alot of shit...but like i said soil for oyur first grow you cant go wrong it helps balance ph and a bunch of other shit bro.
oh and thats good oyu got your seeds picked out man and any of the white genre will give you some good results. as white widow is so poular where im at at beeing grown and white rhino so i think thats a good choice and def a good choice going with feminized why take the time on a plant when you know it miht be a male jsut pass that up and get yourself a female!!!