what strain to choose?


Active Member
g'day all im currently growing some chronic from serious seeds but i got the beans from my old man and i think he might of mixed his seeds up because it has grown way differant to the way serious says to expect...anyways was thinking of sending away for some more strains my budget is around $150 im thinking serious ak47 dna rocklock white lable white skunk,dna cannadential,dna lemon skunk, aNY thoughts on which would be the better to grow or experiance growing them please reply,,,,i have grown white russian, w rhino ,w widow. ice,k2;bubble gum ,,,bagseed ect ect but im still looking for a strain i grew as a kid ,big tall 10 feet heaps earthy tast, lots of brown hairs and crystals gold in apperiance and anyone that smoked it still talks about it 10 ,11 years later 97,98 i think i grew it back then all hydro was called skunk in my area anyway i took some city hydro and grew it up around the bush and it took to the outdoors like a fly on shit an old grower drug fucked type who lived near me told me he spottedf my crop and said it looked like shiver genetics ? not sure coz he was a speed and pill head but he was a few years older then me so he may have known a bit about something?
ppppppppppppppppsssssssssssssssss drunk and stoned to the bone!!!!!!!!!!!!!